Serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance of isolates collected from unvaccinated children with pneumonia at a province in central Vietnam.

Bui Anh Son, Tang Xuan Hai, Tran Van Cuong, Duong Dinh Chinh, Thi-Hong-Hanh Le, Nguyen Manh Dung, Vu Nhat Dinh, Do Ngoc Anh
Author Information
  1. Bui Anh Son: Department of Pediatrics, Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Nghe An, Vietnam.
  2. Tang Xuan Hai: Department of Pediatrics, Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Nghe An, Vietnam.
  3. Tran Van Cuong: Department of Pediatrics, Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Nghe An, Vietnam.
  4. Duong Dinh Chinh: Department of Neurology, Nghe An Friendship General Hospital, Nghe An, Vietnam.
  5. Thi-Hong-Hanh Le: Department of Respiratory Diseases, National Pediatrics Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  6. Nguyen Manh Dung: Department of Scientific Management, 108 Military Centre Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  7. Vu Nhat Dinh: Department of Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery, 103 Military Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  8. Do Ngoc Anh: Department of Laboratory Medicine, 103 Military Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Background and Objectives: Identification of pnemococcal serotypes and antimicrobial resistance provides helpful information for the use of suitable vaccines and antibiotics; however, very limited data is available on these issues in Vietnam. The present study aimed to find the serotype distribution and drug resistance patterns of isolated from unvaccinated children less than 5 years of age with pneumonia at a province in centre Vietnam.
Materials and Methods: A total of 126 clinical pnemococcal strains isolated from unvaccinated children less than 5 years of age with pneumonia at the Nghe An province, Vietnam between Nov 2019 and Mar 2021. All strains were identified using conventional microbiological method, VITEK® 2 Compact system, specific PCR and sequencing. The serotypes and antimicrobial resistance patterns of pnemococcal strains were determined using the multiplex PCR assays and VITEK® 2 Compact system.
Results: The results showed that, eight different pneumococcal serotypes were identified. The most common serotypes were 19F (67.46%), followed by 23F (10.32%), 19A (9.52%), 6A/B (3.17%), 15A (2.38%), 9V (3.17%), 11A (1.59%) and 14 (0.80%), respectively. More than half of the pneumococcal strains were non-susceptible to penicillin. The resistance rate to ceftriaxone and cefotaxime were 41.3% and 50.8%. The percentage of pneumococci strains resistant to clarithromycin, azithromycin, erythromycin, cotrimoxazole, tetracyclin, and clindamycin were more than 93% of all strains. All pneumococcal serotypes were highly resistant to clarithromycin, azithromycin, erythromycin, cotrimoxazole, and clindamycin.
Conclusion: Our findings showed high antibiotic resistance rates of the strains causing pneumococcal pneumonia, mostly macrolide resistance, among unvaccinated children.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0resistancestrainsserotypesVietnamunvaccinatedchildrenpneumoniapneumococcalpnemococcalprovince2antimicrobialdistributionpatternsisolatedless5yearsageidentifiedusingVITEK®CompactsystemPCRshowed317%resistantclarithromycinazithromycinerythromycincotrimoxazoleclindamycinantibioticBackgroundObjectives:IdentificationprovideshelpfulinformationusesuitablevaccinesantibioticshoweverlimiteddataavailableissuespresentstudyaimedfindserotypedrugcentreMaterialsMethods:total126clinicalNgheNov2019Mar2021conventionalmicrobiologicalmethodspecificsequencingdeterminedmultiplexassaysResults:resultseightdifferentcommon19F6746%followed23F1032%19A952%6A/B15A38%9V11A159%14080%respectivelyhalfnon-susceptiblepenicillinrateceftriaxonecefotaxime413%508%percentagepneumococcitetracyclin93%highlyConclusion:findingshighratescausingmostlymacrolideamongSerotypeisolatescollectedcentralAntibioticChildrenPneumoniaSerotypesStreptococcuspneumoniae

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