The cuter, the better? The impact of cuteness on intention to purchase AI voice assistants: A moderated serial-mediation model.

Xintao Yu, Zhen Xu, Yifan Song, Xiaochen Liu
Author Information
  1. Xintao Yu: School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China.
  2. Zhen Xu: School of Communication, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China.
  3. Yifan Song: Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
  4. Xiaochen Liu: Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.


Due to the lockdown, more and more people are used to communicating with AI voice assistants during the post-COVID era. This study investigates the relationship between the perceived cuteness of AI voice assistants and the intention to purchase a moderated serial-mediation model. We tested a PLS-SEM model with 284 survey data from an online experiment. The findings indicate that: (1) different cuteness appearances lead to different levels of perceived cuteness; (2) perceived cuteness positively affects intention to purchase; (3) the positive direct effect is serial mediated by social presence and user engagement; (4) the serial mediation effect is negatively moderated by perceived risk of service failure, which means the positive influence of perceived cuteness on intention to purchase is weakened at a high level of perceived risk. Our research has both theoretical and managerial contributions, which also reminds enterprises to grasp the cuteness degree of the product.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cutenessperceivedAIvoiceintentionpurchasemoderatedmodeluserriskassistantspost-COVIDeraserial-mediationdifferentpositiveeffectserialsocialpresenceengagementDuelockdownpeopleusedcommunicatingstudyinvestigatesrelationshiptestedPLS-SEM284surveydataonlineexperimentfindingsindicatethat:1appearancesleadlevels2positivelyaffects3directmediated4mediationnegativelyservicefailuremeansinfluenceweakenedhighlevelresearchtheoreticalmanagerialcontributionsalsoremindsenterprisesgraspdegreeproductcuterbetter?impactassistants:assistant

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