Evaluation of rural-urban patterns in dietary intake: A descriptive analytical study - Case series.

Samira Nabdi, Said Boujraf, Mohammed Benzagmout
Author Information
  1. Samira Nabdi: Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
  2. Said Boujraf: Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
  3. Mohammed Benzagmout: Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.


Purpose: This article aimed to evaluate the different epidemiological aspects of the population (Fez-Meknes region), expose the secular trends of the food habits related to it, present the basic concepts and mechanisms of food in urban and rural areas in the Fez-Meknes region, and finally to analyze the results in the light of a literature review.
Materials and method: A survey was conducted among a representative sample of the urban and rural population in the Fez-Meknes region (654 people aged 15 years and over, of which 326 people reside in the urban commune of Fez and 328 in the rural commune of Loulja in the province of Taounate).
Results: The results are, a difference between the two urban and rural groups concerning the rhythm of taking meals outside the home (P < 0,001); the average frequency of consumption of certain foods according to social class (p < 0,001); the frequency of food consumption per week of legumes, olive oil, fermented milk, and tea is more increased than that recorded in the urban environment (p < 0,001). On the other hand, the quantification of the consumption of sweet products, dairy products, and whole grains did not conclude a significant difference between the two study environments (p > 0,05).
Discussion: Changing dietary patterns over the past few decades, including more shift work, more meals eaten outside the home or family setting, and more irregular eating patterns, including skipping breakfast and eating late at night.
Conclusion: A disparity in eating habits between urban and rural areas was noted. It would be necessary to act judiciously on the environmental factors by encouraging the Moroccan populations to maintain, as much as possible, their good traditional habits, and to reinforce the new good food habits.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0urbanruralfoodhabitsFez-Meknesregion001consumptionpatternseatingpopulationareasresultspeoplecommunedifferencetwomealsoutsidehomefrequencyp < 0productsstudydietaryincludinggooddataPurpose:articleaimedevaluatedifferentepidemiologicalaspectsexposeseculartrendsrelatedpresentbasicconceptsmechanismsfinallyanalyzelightliteraturereviewMaterialsmethod:surveyconductedamongrepresentativesample654aged15years326resideFez328LouljaprovinceTaounateResults:groupsconcerningrhythmtakingP < 0averagecertainfoodsaccordingsocialclassperweeklegumesoliveoilfermentedmilkteaincreasedrecordedenvironmenthandquantificationsweetdairywholegrainsconcludesignificantenvironmentsp > 005Discussion:ChangingpastdecadesshiftworkeatenfamilysettingirregularskippingbreakfastlatenightConclusion:disparitynotednecessaryactjudiciouslyenvironmentalfactorsencouragingMoroccanpopulationsmaintainmuchpossibletraditionalreinforcenewEvaluationrural-urbanintake:descriptiveanalytical-CaseseriesDemographicMediterraneandietMoroccoSocio-economic

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