Reducing inappropriate inpatient thrombophilia testing through an electronic health record intervention.

Charis Durham, John Kim, Roma Bhandarkar, Daphne Garcia Galan, Alwin Alias, James Hall, Gerald Ogola, Micah Burch
Author Information
  1. Charis Durham: Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
  2. John Kim: Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
  3. Roma Bhandarkar: Department of Pediatrics, UT Health Houston McGovern Medical School, Houston, Texas.
  4. Daphne Garcia Galan: Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Health Care, Palo Alto, California.
  5. Alwin Alias: Texas A&M College of Medicine, Temple Regional Campus, Temple, Texas. ORCID
  6. James Hall: Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Shannon Medical Center, San Angelo, Texas.
  7. Gerald Ogola: Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
  8. Micah Burch: Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.


Current literature does not support routine testing for hereditary and acquired thrombophilia disorders in the inpatient setting. Testing in the acute setting rarely changes patient management or could lead to patient mismanagement. Despite prior educational interventions, continued overuse of inpatient testing warrants further quality improvement measures. A hard-stop best practice advisory pop-up was implemented in the electronic medical record in a multicenter academic hospital system to provide clinicians guidance on the appropriate use of thrombophilia testing at the point of care. Pre- and postintervention retrospective data were collected to assess clinical features before and after implementation. Before the intervention, 271 patients underwent inpatient hypercoagulability testing; after the intervention, 238 patients underwent inpatient hypercoagulability testing. The total number of labs ordered per patient decreased from 1185 to 910, a 13% reduction ( 0.003). Overall, there was a savings of $23,597 in total direct cost and $123,153 in total charges when comparing the 6-month timeframes before and after the intervention ( < 0.01). Although this study found only mild reductions in thrombophilia testing, it presents a new means of providing point-of-care intervention and education for hypercoagulability testing in the inpatient setting.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0testinginpatientthrombophiliainterventionhypercoagulabilitysettingpatienttotalqualityelectronicrecordpatientsunderwentCurrentliteraturesupportroutinehereditaryacquireddisordersTestingacuterarelychangesmanagementleadmismanagementDespiteprioreducationalinterventionscontinuedoverusewarrantsimprovementmeasureshard-stopbestpracticeadvisorypop-upimplementedmedicalmulticenteracademichospitalsystemprovidecliniciansguidanceappropriateusepointcarePre-postinterventionretrospectivedatacollectedassessclinicalfeaturesimplementation271238numberlabsorderedperdecreased118591013%reduction 0003Overallsavings$23597directcost$123153chargescomparing6-monthtimeframes< 001Althoughstudyfoundmildreductionspresentsnewmeansprovidingpoint-of-careeducationReducinginappropriatehealthBenignhematologycontrol

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