Coupling and Coordinating Relationship between Agricultural Eco-Efficiency and Food Security System in China.

Ruixue Wang, Jiancheng Chen, Minhuan Li
Author Information
  1. Ruixue Wang: School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100091, China.
  2. Jiancheng Chen: School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100091, China.
  3. Minhuan Li: School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100091, China.


Carbon peaking, carbon neutrality goals and food security are the basis of sustainable development, and exploring the coordination relationship between China's agricultural eco-efficiency and food security system has a major significance for the implementation of relevant strategies. This paper is based on collaboration research on the synergistic relationship between agricultural eco-efficiency and food security systems using methods such as entropy weight method, coupling coordination model, spatial autocorrelation model, etc., revealing the evolution-driven mechanism of the coupling coordination degree. This study found that a higher level of coupling coordination always occurs in those areas with high standard farmland construction and large grain production scale, while economically developed areas appear to have a lower overall coordination level limited by endowment constraints and division of labor in development planning. It shows a positive spatial correlation in terms of geographical distance between agricultural eco-efficiency and food security, and the positive spillover effect gradually increases but is not strong overall. China should combine regional resource endowment and development planning, pay attention to the improvement of large-scale and standardized agricultural production, continue to strengthen the development of clean agricultural production, and achieve food security under the constraints of the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.



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MeSH Term

Sustainable Development
Economic Development
Food Security

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0foodsecuritycoordinationagriculturaldevelopmenteco-efficiencycouplingcarbonproductionpeakingneutralitygoalsrelationshipmodelspatiallevelareasoverallendowmentconstraintsplanningpositiveChinaCarbonbasissustainableexploringChina'ssystemmajorsignificanceimplementationrelevantstrategiespaperbasedcollaborationresearchsynergisticsystemsusingmethodsentropyweightmethodautocorrelationetcrevealingevolution-drivenmechanismdegreestudyfoundhigheralwaysoccurshighstandardfarmlandconstructionlargegrainscaleeconomicallydevelopedappearlowerlimiteddivisionlaborshowscorrelationtermsgeographicaldistancespillovereffectgraduallyincreasesstrongcombineregionalresourcepayattentionimprovementlarge-scalestandardizedcontinuestrengthencleanachieveCouplingCoordinatingRelationshipAgriculturalEco-EfficiencyFoodSecuritySystem

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