Poly-L-Lysine to Fight Antibiotic Resistances of .

Adeline Cezard, Delphine Fouquenet, Virginie Vasseur, Katy Jeannot, Fabien Launay, Mustapha Si-Tahar, Virginie Hervé
Author Information
  1. Adeline Cezard: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France.
  2. Delphine Fouquenet: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France.
  3. Virginie Vasseur: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France.
  4. Katy Jeannot: UMR 6249 Chrono-Environnement, UFR Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques, Université de Bourgogne-Franche Comté, 25030 Besançon, France.
  5. Fabien Launay: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France.
  6. Mustapha Si-Tahar: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France.
  7. Virginie Hervé: INSERM, Centre d'Etude des Pathologies Respiratoires (CEPR), UMR 1100, 37000 Tours, France. ORCID


is a major hospital-associated pathogen that can cause severe infections, most notably in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) or those hospitalized in intensive care units. Given its remarkable ability to resist antibiotics, eradication has grown more challenging. Therefore, there is an urgent need to discover and develop new strategies that can counteract -resistant strains. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of poly-L-lysine (pLK) in combination with commonly used antibiotics as an alternative treatment option against . First, we demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy that pLK alters the integrity of the surface membrane of . We also showed using a fluorometry test that this results in an enhanced permeability of the bacteria membrane. Based on these data, we further evaluated the effect of the combinations of pLK with imipenem, ceftazidime, or aztreonam using the broth microdilution method in vitro. We found synergies in terms of bactericidal effects against either sensitive or resistant strains, with a reduction in bacterial growth (up to 5-log compared to the control). Similarly, these synergistic and bactericidal effects were confirmed ex vivo using a 3D model of human primary bronchial epithelial cells maintained in an air-liquid interface. In conclusion, pLK could be an innovative antipseudomonal molecule, opening its application as an adjuvant antibiotherapy against drug-resistant strains.



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  1. RF20180502192/Vaincre la Mucoviscidose
  2. RF20160501633/Grégory Lemarchal

MeSH Term

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Infections
Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Anti-Bacterial Agents


Anti-Bacterial Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0pLKstrainsusingcanantibioticsevaluatedcombinationmembranebactericidaleffectsantibioticmajorhospital-associatedpathogencausesevereinfectionsnotablypatientscysticfibrosisCFhospitalizedintensivecareunitsGivenremarkableabilityresisteradicationgrownchallengingThereforeurgentneeddiscoverdevelopnewstrategiescounteract-resistantefficacypoly-L-lysinecommonlyusedalternativetreatmentoptionFirstdemonstratedscanningelectronmicroscopyaltersintegritysurfacealsoshowedfluorometrytestresultsenhancedpermeabilitybacteriaBaseddataeffectcombinationsimipenemceftazidimeaztreonambrothmicrodilutionmethodvitrofoundsynergiestermseithersensitiveresistantreductionbacterialgrowth5-logcomparedcontrolSimilarlysynergisticconfirmedexvivo3Dmodelhumanprimarybronchialepithelialcellsmaintainedair-liquidinterfaceconclusioninnovativeantipseudomonalmoleculeopeningapplicationadjuvantantibiotherapydrug-resistantPoly-L-LysineFightAntibioticResistancesPseudomonasaeruginosaresistancecationicpeptide

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