Dermatophytic Biofilms: Characteristics, Significance and Treatment Approaches.

Anthi-Marina Markantonatou, Konstantinos Samaras, Timoleon-Achilleas Vyzantiadis
Author Information
  1. Anthi-Marina Markantonatou: Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece.
  2. Konstantinos Samaras: Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece.
  3. Timoleon-Achilleas Vyzantiadis: Department of Microbiology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece. ORCID


Microbes are found in the environment, possibly more often as biofilms than in planktonic forms. Biofilm formation has been described for several important fungal species. The presence of a dermatophytoma in a dermatophytic nail infection was the basis for the proposal that dermatophytes form biofilms as well. This could explain treatment failure and recurrent dermatophytic infections. Several investigators have performed in vitro and ex vivo experiments to study the formation of biofilms by dermatophytes and their properties. The nature of the biofilm structure itself contributes to fungal protection mechanisms against many harmful external agents, including antifungals. Thus, a different approach should be carried out regarding susceptibility testing and treatment. Concerning susceptibility testing, methods to evaluate either the inhibition of biofilm formation, or the ability to eradicate it, have been introduced. As for treatment, in addition to classical antifungal agents, some natural formulations, such as plant extracts or biosurfactants, and alternative approaches, such as photodynamic therapy, have been proposed. Studies that connect the results of the in vitro and ex vivo experimentation with clinical outcomes are required in order to verify the efficacy of these approaches in clinical practice.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0biofilmsformationdermatophyticdermatophytestreatmentsusceptibilitytestingfungalinfectionsvitroexvivobiofilmagentsantifungalapproachesclinicalMicrobesfoundenvironmentpossiblyoftenplanktonicformsBiofilmdescribedseveralimportantspeciespresencedermatophytomanailinfectionbasisproposalformwellexplainfailurerecurrentSeveralinvestigatorsperformedexperimentsstudypropertiesnaturestructurecontributesprotectionmechanismsmanyharmfulexternalincludingantifungalsThusdifferentapproachcarriedregardingConcerningmethodsevaluateeitherinhibitionabilityeradicateintroducedadditionclassicalnaturalformulationsplantextractsbiosurfactantsalternativephotodynamictherapyproposedStudiesconnectresultsexperimentationoutcomesrequiredorderverifyefficacypracticeDermatophyticBiofilms:CharacteristicsSignificanceTreatmentApproaches

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