Polylactide-Meso-Substituted Arylporphyrin Composites: Structure, Properties and Antibacterial Activity.

Yulia V Tertyshnaya, Anton V Lobanov, Egor S Morokov, Grigorii A Buzanov, Zubarzhat R Abushakhmanova
Author Information
  1. Yulia V Tertyshnaya: Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Kosygina Str., Moscow 119334, Russia. ORCID
  2. Anton V Lobanov: Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Kosygina Str., Moscow 119334, Russia.
  3. Egor S Morokov: Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Kosygina Str., Moscow 119334, Russia. ORCID
  4. Grigorii A Buzanov: Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 31 Leninskiy Pr., Moscow 119991, Russia.
  5. Zubarzhat R Abushakhmanova: Laboratory Advanced Composite Materials and Technologies 36 Stremyanniy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 117997, Russia. ORCID


The structural features and antibacterial properties of polymer-porphyrin composites were investigated. Meso-substituted arylporphyrin 0.2-0.5 wt.% was immobilized in a polylactide matrix. The immobilization of porphyrin causes a bathochromic shift and splitting of the Soret band. This study of the morphology of the obtained composites demonstrated a uniform distribution of the meso-substituted arylporphyrin in the polylactide matrix. It was determined by the X-ray diffraction analysis that porphyrin does not affect the ��-form of polylactide crystalline formations. However, its addition into the polymer somewhat reduces the melting point (by 1-2 ��C) and the degree of crystallinity of polylactide (by 3-4%). The elastic characteristics of the resulting systems were determined by the ultrasonic method, and a decrease in the density of the samples with an increase of the arylporphyrin content was shown. According to the results of the biological test, the dark toxicity of the obtained composites against the microorganisms , Typhimurium and was shown. Immobilizates containing 0.4 and 0.5 wt.% porphyrin showed the best antibacterial effect. The antibacterial activity of the studied composites makes it possible to attribute the polylactide-porphyrin systems to promising materials in the field of medicine and bioengineering.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0compositespolylactidearylporphyrinantibacterial0porphyrin5wt%matrixobtaineddeterminedX-raydegreecrystallinitysystemsshownstructuralfeaturespropertiespolymer-porphyrininvestigatedMeso-substituted2-0immobilizedimmobilizationcausesbathochromicshiftsplittingSoretbandstudymorphologydemonstrateduniformdistributionmeso-substituteddiffractionanalysisaffect��-formcrystallineformationsHoweveradditionpolymersomewhatreducesmeltingpoint1-2��C3-4%elasticcharacteristicsresultingultrasonicmethoddecreasedensitysamplesincreasecontentAccordingresultsbiologicaltestdarktoxicitymicroorganismsTyphimuriumImmobilizatescontaining4showedbesteffectactivitystudiedmakespossibleattributepolylactide-porphyrinpromisingmaterialsfieldmedicinebioengineeringPolylactide-Meso-SubstitutedArylporphyrinComposites:StructurePropertiesAntibacterialActivityDSCdiffractogrambioactivitypolymer���porphyrin

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