Academic Passion and Subjective Well-Being among Female Research Reserve Talents: The Roles of Psychological Resilience and Academic Climate.

Zijun Yin, Bin Xuan, Xiaoyan Zheng
Author Information
  1. Zijun Yin: School of Educational Science, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China. ORCID
  2. Bin Xuan: School of Educational Science, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China. ORCID
  3. Xiaoyan Zheng: School of Educational Science, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China.


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between academic passion (AP) and subjective well-being (SWB), along with the mediating role of psychological resilience (PR) and the moderating role of academic climate (AC), among Chinese female research talent in reserve. A convenience sampling method was used to select 304 female master's degree students from several universities in the central region of China a questionnaire survey. The results show that: (1) AP has a positive predictive effect on the SWB of female reserve research talents; (2) PR partially mediated the relationship between the AP and SWB of female reserve research talents; (3) AC moderated the relationship between the AP and SWB of female reserve research talents. Thus, the findings of this study support a moderated mediation model that explores the relationship between AP and SWB for female research backups, with PR as the mediating variable and AC as the moderating variable. These findings provide a new perspective with which to explore the mechanisms influencing the subjective well-being of female research reserves.



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  1. 2022-FNYJ-034/the Key Project of Women's Theory Research of Anhui Women's Federation and the Anhui Edu-cation Department in 2022

MeSH Term

Resilience, Psychological
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0femaleresearchAPSWBreserverelationshipacademictalentssubjectivewell-beingPRACstudypassionmediatingrolepsychologicalresiliencemoderatingclimateamongmoderatedfindingsvariableAcademicaimedinvestigatealongChinesetalentconveniencesamplingmethodusedselect304master'sdegreestudentsseveraluniversitiescentralregionChinaquestionnairesurveyresultsshowthat:1positivepredictiveeffect2partiallymediated3ThussupportmediationmodelexploresbackupsprovidenewperspectiveexploremechanismsinfluencingreservesPassionSubjectiveWell-BeingFemaleResearchReserveTalents:RolesPsychologicalResilienceClimate

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