Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles Inhibit the Biofilm Formation of Cariogenic Microorganisms.

Kentaro Okamoto, Daisuke Kudo, Dao Nguyen Duy Phuong, Yoshihito Iwamoto, Koji Watanabe, Yoshie Yoshioka, Wataru Ariyoshi, Ryota Yamasaki
Author Information
  1. Kentaro Okamoto: Division of Infections and Molecular Biology, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-8580, Japan.
  2. Daisuke Kudo: SETOLAS Holdings Inc., Hayashida-cho, Sakaide, Kagawa 762-0012, Japan.
  3. Dao Nguyen Duy Phuong: SETOLAS Holdings Inc., Hayashida-cho, Sakaide, Kagawa 762-0012, Japan.
  4. Yoshihito Iwamoto: SETOLAS Holdings Inc., Hayashida-cho, Sakaide, Kagawa 762-0012, Japan.
  5. Koji Watanabe: Division of Developmental Stomatognathic Function Science, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-8580, Japan.
  6. Yoshie Yoshioka: Division of Infections and Molecular Biology, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-8580, Japan.
  7. Wataru Ariyoshi: Division of Infections and Molecular Biology, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-8580, Japan. ORCID
  8. Ryota Yamasaki: Division of Infections and Molecular Biology, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-8580, Japan. ORCID


Although various caries-preventive agents have been developed, dental caries is still a leading global disease, mostly caused by biological factors such as mutans streptococci. Magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles have been reported to exhibit antibacterial effects; however, they are rarely used in oral care practical applications. In this study, we examined the inhibitory effect of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles on biofilm formation by and -two typical caries-causing bacteria. Three different sizes of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles (NM80, NM300, and NM700) were studied, all of which inhibited biofilm formation. The results showed that the nanoparticles were important for the inhibitory effect, which was not influenced by pH or the presence of magnesium ions. We also determined that the inhibition process was mainly contact inhibition and that medium (NM300) and large (NM700) sizes were particularly effective in this regard. The findings of our study demonstrate the potential applications of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles as caries-preventive agents.



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  1. 22K17020/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  2. /SETOLAS Holdings Inc.
  3. /Takeda Science Foundation

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nanoparticleshydroxidemagnesiumbiofilminhibitioncaries-preventiveagentsdentalcariesMagnesiumapplicationsstudyinhibitoryeffectformationsizesNM300NM700Althoughvariousdevelopedstillleadingglobaldiseasemostlycausedbiologicalfactorsmutansstreptococcireportedexhibitantibacterialeffectshoweverrarelyusedoralcarepracticalexamined-twotypicalcaries-causingbacteriaThreedifferentNM80studiedinhibitedresultsshowedimportantinfluencedpHpresenceionsalsodeterminedprocessmainlycontactmediumlargeparticularlyeffectiveregardfindingsdemonstratepotentialHydroxideNanoparticlesInhibitBiofilmFormationCariogenicMicroorganismscariogenicmicroorganisms

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