The Cultural Context of Plagiarism and Research Misconduct in the Asian Region.

Flinta Rodrigues, Prakash Gupta, Afzal Parvez Khan, Tulika Chatterjee, Nimrat Kaur Sandhu, Latika Gupta
Author Information
  1. Flinta Rodrigues: Department of Medicine, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. ORCID
  2. Prakash Gupta: Department of Medicine, Saint Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart, Baguio, Benguet, Philippines. ORCID
  3. Afzal Parvez Khan: Department of Medicine, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India. ORCID
  4. Tulika Chatterjee: Department of Internal Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL, USA. ORCID
  5. Nimrat Kaur Sandhu: Department of Public Health, University of California, Merced, CA, USA. ORCID
  6. Latika Gupta: Department of Rheumatology, Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust, Wolverhampton, UK. ORCID


Plagiarism is one of the most frequent forms of research misconduct in South and East Asian countries. This narrative review examines the factors contributing to research misconduct, emphasizing plagiarism, particularly in South, East and Southeast Asian countries. We conducted a PubMed and Scopus search using the terms plagiarism, Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, research misconduct and retractions in January of 2022. Articles with missing abstracts, incomplete information about plagiarism, publication dates before 2010, and those unrelated to South, East, and Southeast Asian countries were excluded. The retraction watch database was searched for articles retracted between 9th January 2020 to 9th January 2022. A total of 159 articles were identified, of which 21 were included in the study using the database search criteria mentioned above. The review of articles identified a lack of training in scientific writing and research ethics, publication pressure, permissive attitudes, and inadequate regulatory measures as the primary reasons behind research misconduct in scientific publications. Plagiarism remains a common cause of unethical publications and retractions in regions of Asia (namely South, East and Southeast). Researchers lack training in scientific writing, and substantial gaps exist in understanding various forms of plagiarism, which heavily contribute to the problem. There is an urgent need to foster high research ethics standards and adhere to journal policies. Providing appropriate training in scientific writing among researchers may help improve the knowledge of different types of plagiarism and promote the use of antiplagiarism software, leading to a substantial reduction in the problem.



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MeSH Term

Scientific Misconduct
Biomedical Research

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0AsiaresearchSouthEastplagiarismSoutheastPlagiarismmisconductAsianscientificcountriesJanuaryarticlestrainingwritingformsreviewsearchusingretractions2022publicationdatabase9thidentifiedlackethicspublicationssubstantialproblemResearchMisconductonefrequentnarrativeexaminesfactorscontributingemphasizingparticularlyconductedPubMedScopustermsArticlesmissingabstractsincompleteinformationdates2010unrelatedexcludedretractionwatchsearchedretracted2020total15921includedstudycriteriamentionedpressurepermissiveattitudesinadequateregulatorymeasuresprimaryreasonsbehindremainscommoncauseunethicalregionsnamelyResearchersgapsexistunderstandingvariousheavilycontributeurgentneedfosterhighstandardsadherejournalpoliciesProvidingappropriateamongresearchersmayhelpimproveknowledgedifferenttypespromoteuseantiplagiarismsoftwareleadingreductionCulturalContextRegionPublicationEthicsRetraction

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