A community-level educational intervention trail to study the impact of life style modification in control of hypertension and diabetes- A non-randomized trial (Before and after intervention study without control).

Rashmi Kundapur, Bhavesh Modi, Lavanya Mary, R Manjula, P Santhosh, Deepak Saxena
Author Information
  1. Rashmi Kundapur: Department of Community Medicine AIIMS, Bibanagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  2. Bhavesh Modi: Department of Community Medicine GMERS Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
  3. Lavanya Mary: Department of Community Medicine, K.S.Hegde Medical Academy Nitte Deemed to be University Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
  4. R Manjula: Department of Community Medicine, S Nijalingappa Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
  5. P Santhosh: Department of Community Medicine, K.S.Hegde Medical Academy Nitte Deemed to be University Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
  6. Deepak Saxena: Department of Community Medicine, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.


Background: Dietary habits and physical inactivity are related to the risks of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes and Hypertension, of which burdens are increasing all over the world. . It is essential that lifestyle modification and nondrug treatment measures such as health education, reduction in weight through regular exercise, changing in eating patterns is essential to control of Diabetes and Hypertension. Hence the present study is taken up with objectives.
Objectives: 1. to assess and compare the impact of health education on life style modification (diet modification) on control of hypertension and diabetes of intervention group. 2. To assess and compare the practice of changed pattern of life style modification (diet modification) of known hypertensives and diabetics with continuous health education module and follow up.
Methodology: This community-level education intervention trial to reduce the burden of Non communicable diseases (hypertension and diabetes) was conducted in coastal Karnataka. The study was taken up in a rural area of coastal Karnataka . A specific module for physical activity, diet modification separately for hypertension and diabetics was prepared by experts and this specific module trained social worker introduced diet modification, exercise pattern and habits to the village enrolled participants with involvement of family member who actually cooks at home for 2 months.
Results: In the study subjects, it was observed that, the subjects who had higher systolic and diastolic pressure before intervention, changed to the lower levels after intervention. Though the change in blood pressure is not statistically significant. The intervention of overall lifestyle intervention, there was increased subjects with Hb1Ac in the range of 7-9% and reduced subjects with Hb1Ac of >9.1%. Though it was not statistically significant. There was significant improvement in the mean duration of physical activity in order to control the hypertension and Diabetes mellitus. We also noticed that there was reduction in the sedentary hours, though the difference was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Life style intervention with continuous monitoring is essential to bring down the blood pressure and diabetic sugars. We donot need doctors alone to bring the life style modifications and the health workers can initiate it in the villages. The intervention of life style modifications have brought in better care and quality of life in the villages compared to control village.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0interventionmodificationlifestylecontrolhypertensioneducationstudyDiabeteshealthdietsubjectssignificantphysicaldiseasesessentialmodulepressurestatisticallyhabitsHypertensionlifestylereductionexercisetakenassesscompareimpactdiabetes2changedpatterndiabeticscontinuouscommunity-leveltrialcoastalKarnatakaspecificactivityvillageThoughbloodHb1AcbringmodificationsvillagesBackground:Dietaryinactivityrelatedrisksnon-communicableNCDscardiovascularburdensincreasingworldnondrugtreatmentmeasuresweightregularchangingeatingpatternsHencepresentobjectivesObjectives:1grouppracticeknownhypertensivesfollowupMethodology:reduceburdenNoncommunicableconductedruralareaseparatelypreparedexpertstrainedsocialworkerintroducedenrolledparticipantsinvolvementfamilymemberactuallycookshomemonthsResults:observedhighersystolicdiastoliclowerlevelschangeoverallincreasedrange7-9%reduced>91%improvementmeandurationordermellitusalsonoticedsedentaryhoursthoughdifferenceConclusion:Lifemonitoringdiabeticsugarsdonotneeddoctorsaloneworkerscaninitiatebroughtbettercarequalitycomparededucationaltraildiabetes-non-randomizedwithoutmodul-based

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