Application and evaluation of Flipped Teaching based on Video Conference in standardized training for internal medicine residents.

Xiao-Yu Zhang
Author Information
  1. Xiao-Yu Zhang: Section of Education, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China. ORCID


BACKGROUND: In view of the importance of infectious diseases in public health, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission designated a hospital ("Designated Hospital") to carry out infectious diseases training for internal medicine residents in those hospitals ("Dispatching Hospitals") that didn't have an infectious disease ward or could not meet the training standards of infectious diseases.
OBJECTIVE: I aimed to explore Flipped Teaching with Video Conference as the carrier in infectious diseases training for internal medicine residents, to make up for the lack of actual training time of the Department of Infectious Diseases for those residents caused by subjective or objective reasons, and to ensure the smooth implementation and quality assurance of infectious diseases training for those residents.
METHODS: Vertical management mode was adopted, management and lecture teams were established, and training program and teaching implementation were formulated. Flipped Teaching based on Video Conference was carried out for internal medicine residents of Dispatching Hospitals who planned to participate in infectious diseases training of the Designated Hospital in April. The quantitative analysis was applied to this teaching evaluation, and the evaluation indexes were included into statistical analysis to evaluate the effect of the teaching model.
RESULTS: All 19-member internal medicine residents participated in the Flipped Teaching based on Video Conference from April 1 to 4, of which 12 residents were scheduled to participate in infectious diseases training from March 1 to April 30, and 7 residents were scheduled to participate in infectious diseases training from April 1 to May 31 in the Designated Hospital. A management team of 6 internal medicine residents was built, and a lecture team was composed of 12 internal medicine residents who were scheduled to receive infectious diseases training in the Designated Hospital from March 1 to April 30. According to the training requirements in the Department of Infectious Diseases, 12 contents were selected to be taught, and implementation rate of the teaching plan was over 90%. A total of 197 feedback questionnaires were collected. The feedback that the teaching quality was "good" and "very good" accounted for more than 96%, and the attendance rate of the whole teaching process reached more than 94%. Six internal medicine residents put forward 18 "Improvement suggestions", accounting for 9.1%; and 11 internal medicine residents gave 110 suggestions of "Praise highlights", accounting for 55.8%. The overall evaluation feedback of Flipped Teaching was good, P<0.001.
CONCLUSION: Flipped Teaching based on Video Conference was generally effective in delivering lectures and learning for internal medicine residents participating in the infectious diseases training, and it could be used as a supplementary training method for standardized training of internal medicine residents to make up for the shortage of actual training period in a certain stage.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0trainingresidentsinfectiousinternalmedicinediseasesFlippedTeachingteachingVideoConferenceAprilbasedevaluation1implementationmanagementparticipateDesignatedHospital12scheduledfeedbackmakeactualDepartmentInfectiousDiseasesqualitylectureanalysisMarch30teamrateaccountingstandardizedBACKGROUND:viewimportancepublichealthShanghaiMunicipalHealthCommissiondesignatedhospital"DesignatedHospital"carryhospitals"DispatchingHospitals"diseasewardmeetstandardsOBJECTIVE:aimedexplorecarrierlacktimecausedsubjectiveobjectivereasonsensuresmoothassuranceMETHODS:VerticalmodeadoptedteamsestablishedprogramformulatedcarriedDispatchingHospitalsplannedquantitativeappliedindexesincludedstatisticalevaluateeffectmodelRESULTS:19-memberparticipated47May316builtcomposedreceiveAccordingrequirementscontentsselectedtaughtplan90%total197questionnairescollected"good""verygood"accounted96%attendancewholeprocessreached94%Sixputforward18"Improvementsuggestions"91%11gave110suggestions"Praisehighlights"558%overallgoodP<0001CONCLUSION:generallyeffectivedeliveringlectureslearningparticipatingusedsupplementarymethodshortageperiodcertainstageApplication

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