Motivational Interviewing in Pediatric Obesity: A Meta-analysis of the Effects on Behavioral Outcomes.

Tsui-Sui A Kao, Jiying Ling, Christina Vu, Rachel Hawn, Harrietta Christodoulos
Author Information
  1. Tsui-Sui A Kao: College of Nursing, Michigan State University, USA. ORCID
  2. Jiying Ling: College of Nursing, Michigan State University, USA. ORCID
  3. Christina Vu: College of Nursing, Michigan State University, USA.
  4. Rachel Hawn: College of Nursing, Michigan State University, USA.
  5. Harrietta Christodoulos: College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, USA.


BACKGROUND: Currently, the effects of motivational interviewing (MI) on children's behavioral changes remain obscure.
PURPOSE: This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the effects of MI on children's lifestyle behavioral changes (fruits and vegetables [F/V], dairy, sugary beverages, calories, snacks, fat intake, moderate vigorous physical activity [MVPA], and screen time).
METHODS: Six databases (CINAHL, Cochrane, Embase, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Sciences) from 2005 to 2022 were searched. Thirty-one intervention studies with a comparison group met the criteria. Random-effects models were performed to estimate the pooled effects; exploratory moderation analyses with mixed-effects models were used to explore potential intervention moderators.
RESULTS: The pooled effect size was 0.10 (p = .334) on ↑F/V, 0.02 (p = .724) on ↑dairy, -0.29 (p < .001) on ↓calories, -0.16 (p = .054) on ↓sugary beverages, -0.22 (p = .002) on ↓snacks, -0.20 (p = .044) on ↓fat, 0.22 (p = .001) on ↑MVPA, and -0.06 (p = .176) on ↓screen time. The effects of MIs were moderated by ↑MI sessions regarding ↓snacks (B = -0.04, p = .010). Multicomponent and clinical programs had greater effects on dairy intake than their counterparts (0.09 vs. -0.21, p = .034; 0.12 vs. -0.14, p = .027, respectively). Similarly, interventions with a fidelity check resulted in greater dairy intake than those without a check (0.29 vs. -0.15, p = .014). A few long-term follow-up assessments revealed effects on ↓F/V (-0.18; p = .143, k = 2), ↓dairy (-0.13, p = .399, k = 4), ↓MVPA (-0.04; p = .611, k = 6), and ↑screen time (0.12; p = .242, k = 4).
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the short-term effects of MI on improving children's lifestyle behaviors. Additional investigations are needed to better sustain children's long-term behavioral changes.



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MeSH Term

Pediatric Obesity
Motivational Interviewing
Energy Intake
Feeding Behavior

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0=p-0effects0children'skMIbehavioralchangesdairybeveragesintaketimevslifestyleactivityinterventionmodelspooled2900122↓snacks04greater12checklong-term4BACKGROUND:CurrentlymotivationalinterviewingremainobscurePURPOSE:systematicreviewmeta-analysisexaminedfruitsvegetables[F/V]sugarycaloriessnacksfatmoderatevigorousphysical[MVPA]screenMETHODS:SixdatabasesCINAHLCochraneEmbasePsycINFOPubMedWebSciences20052022searchedThirty-onestudiescomparisongroupmetcriteriaRandom-effectsperformedestimateexploratorymoderationanalysesmixed-effectsusedexplorepotentialmoderatorsRESULTS:effectsize10334↑F/V02724↑dairy<↓calories16054↓sugary00220044↓fat↑MVPA06176↓screenMIsmoderated↑MIsessionsregardingB010Multicomponentclinicalprogramscounterparts092103414027respectivelySimilarlyinterventionsfidelityresultedwithout15014follow-upassessmentsrevealed↓F/V181432↓dairy13399↓MVPA6116↑screen242CONCLUSIONS:findingssupportshort-termimprovingbehaviorsAdditionalinvestigationsneededbettersustainMotivationalInterviewingPediatricObesity:Meta-analysisEffectsBehavioralOutcomesEatingLifestylemodificationPhysicalSnacksSurgery

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