Finite Element Implementation of Computational Fluid Dynamics With Reactive Neutral and Charged Solute Transport in FEBio.

Jay J Shim, Steve A Maas, Jeffrey A Weiss, Gerard A Ateshian
Author Information
  1. Jay J Shim: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
  2. Steve A Maas: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.
  3. Jeffrey A Weiss: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.
  4. Gerard A Ateshian: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.


The objective of this study was to implement a novel fluid-solutes solver into the open-source finite element software FEBio, that extended available modeling capabilities for biological fluids and fluid-solute mixtures. Using a reactive mixture framework, this solver accommodates diffusion, convection, chemical reactions, electrical charge effects, and external body forces, without requiring stabilization methods that were deemed necessary in previous computational implementations of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation at high Peclet numbers. Verification and validation problems demonstrated the ability of this solver to produce solutions for Peclet numbers as high as 1011, spanning the range of physiological conditions for convection-dominated solute transport. This outcome was facilitated by the use of a formulation that accommodates realistic values for solvent compressibility, and by expressing the solute mass balance such that it properly captured convective transport by the solvent and produced a natural boundary condition of zero diffusive solute flux at outflow boundaries. Since this numerical scheme was not necessarily foolproof, guidelines were included to achieve better outcomes that minimize or eliminate the potential occurrence of numerical artifacts. The fluid-solutes solver presented in this study represents an important and novel advancement in the modeling capabilities for biomechanics and biophysics as it allows modeling of mechanobiological processes via the incorporation of chemical reactions involving neutral or charged solutes within dynamic fluid flow. The incorporation of charged solutes in a reactive framework represents a significant novelty of this solver. This framework also applies to a broader range of nonbiological applications.


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  1. R01 GM083925/NIGMS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Finite Element Analysis
Biological Transport



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0solvermodelingframeworksolutestudynovelfluid-solutesFEBiocapabilitiesreactiveaccommodateschemicalreactionshighPecletnumbersrangetransportsolventnumericalrepresentsincorporationchargedsolutesobjectiveimplementopen-sourcefiniteelementsoftwareextendedavailablebiologicalfluidsfluid-solutemixturesUsingmixturediffusionconvectionelectricalchargeeffectsexternalbodyforceswithoutrequiringstabilizationmethodsdeemednecessarypreviouscomputationalimplementationsconvection-diffusion-reactionequationVerificationvalidationproblemsdemonstratedabilityproducesolutions1011spanningphysiologicalconditionsconvection-dominatedoutcomefacilitateduseformulationrealisticvaluescompressibilityexpressingmassbalanceproperlycapturedconvectiveproducednaturalboundaryconditionzerodiffusivefluxoutflowboundariesSinceschemenecessarilyfoolproofguidelinesincludedachievebetteroutcomesminimizeeliminatepotentialoccurrenceartifactspresentedimportantadvancementbiomechanicsbiophysicsallowsmechanobiologicalprocessesviainvolvingneutralwithindynamicfluidflowsignificantnoveltyalsoappliesbroadernonbiologicalapplicationsFiniteElementImplementationComputationalFluidDynamicsReactiveNeutralChargedSoluteTransport

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