Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 50 Most Cited Studies on Achilles Tendon Pathology.

M Lane Moore, Ryan J Hawkins, Jordan R Pollock, Justin L Makovicka, Jack M Haglin, Joseph C Brinkman, Karan A Patel
Author Information
  1. M Lane Moore: Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
  2. Ryan J Hawkins: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA.
  3. Jordan R Pollock: Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
  4. Justin L Makovicka: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  5. Jack M Haglin: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  6. Joseph C Brinkman: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  7. Karan A Patel: Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.


Background: The development of Achilles tendon treatment modalities has been rapid, and it is increasingly difficult for clinicians to stay up to date with the most influential studies in this field. In order to fully understand the current state of the literature regarding Achilles tendon injury, it is invaluable to be familiar with the foundational articles and studies upon which the field is built.
Purpose: To objectively determine the 50 most frequently cited studies in Achilles tendon pathology and to conduct a bibliometric analysis.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Methods: The Clarivate Analytics Web of Knowledge database was used to gather data and metrics of Achilles tendon research. The 50 most cited articles were selected for analysis from an initial 17,244 identified articles. The information extracted for each article included author name, publication year, country of origin, journal name, study type, and level of evidence.
Results: For these 50 studies, the total number of citations was calculated to be 13,159, with a mean of 263.2 citations per paper. The most cited article collected 657 citations. The publication dates of the 50 studies included in this analysis spanned 41 years (1972-2013). The largest number of articles were published by Swedish authors (n = 14); however, many other countries were represented, including Canada and Finland (n = 6 articles each). The most prevalent study designs were cohort studies (n = 13) with level 4 evidence studies being the most common (n = 14).
Conclusion: Among the 50 most influential articles in Achilles tendon pathology, the study designs most commonly used were cohort studies and review articles. Sweden was the country of origin for the most studies included on this list, which reflects this country's interest and commitment to researching Achilles tendon injuries and treatments.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Achillesstudiestendonarticles50analysisstudyn=citedincludedcitationsinfluentialfieldpathologybibliometricusedarticlenamepublicationcountryoriginlevelevidencenumber1314designscohortBackground:developmenttreatmentmodalitiesrapidincreasinglydifficultcliniciansstaydateorderfullyunderstandcurrentstateliteratureregardinginjuryinvaluablefamiliarfoundationaluponbuiltPurpose:objectivelydeterminefrequentlyconductStudyDesign:Cross-sectionalMethods:ClarivateAnalyticsWebKnowledgedatabasegatherdatametricsresearchselectedinitial17244identifiedinformationextractedauthoryearjournaltypeResults:totalcalculated159mean2632perpapercollected657datesspanned41years1972-2013largestpublishedSwedishauthorshowevermanycountriesrepresentedincludingCanadaFinland6prevalent4commonConclusion:AmongcommonlyreviewSwedenlistreflectscountry'sinterestcommitmentresearchinginjuriestreatmentsBibliometricAnalysisTopCitedStudiesTendonPathologyrupturetendinosiscitation

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