Systematic review of health literacy champions: who, what and how?

Julie Ayre, Michael Zhang, Dana Mouwad, Dipti Zachariah, Kirsten J McCaffery, Danielle M Muscat
Author Information
  1. Julie Ayre: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ORCID
  2. Michael Zhang: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  3. Dana Mouwad: Health Literacy Hub, Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ORCID
  4. Dipti Zachariah: Multicultural Health, Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  5. Kirsten J McCaffery: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ORCID
  6. Danielle M Muscat: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ORCID


Health literacy is an important aspect of equitable, safe, and high-quality care. For organizations implementing health literacy initiatives, using 'change champions' appears to be a promising strategy. This systematic review aimed to identify the empirical and conceptual research that exists about health literacy champions. We conducted the systematic literature search using MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus, and PubMed, with additional studies identified by searching references and citations of included studies and reviews of organizational health literacy. Seventeen articles were included in the final review (case studies, n = 9; qualitative research, n = 4; quasi-experimental, n = 2; opinion articles without case studies, n = 2). Using JBI critical appraisal tools, most articles had a high risk of bias. Often champions were not the focus of the article. Champions included staff across frontline, management, and executive levels. Only five studies described training for champions. Key champion activities related to either (i) increasing organizational awareness and commitment to health literacy, or (ii) influencing organizational strategic and operational planning. The most common output was ensuring that the organization's health information materials met health literacy guidelines. Articles recommended engaging multiple champions at varying levels within the organization, including the executive level. Limited funding and resources were key barriers. Two of four articles reported positive impacts of champions on implementation of health literacy initiatives. Overall, few of the articles described health literacy champions in adequate detail. More comprehensive reporting on this implementation strategy and further experimental and process evaluation research are needed to progress this area of research. This systematic review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022348816).



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  1. 2017278/National Health and Medical Research Council

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Health Literacy

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0literacyhealthchampionsstudiesarticlesreviewresearchorganizationaln=systematicincludedimplementationinitiativesusingstrategycase2executivelevelsdescribedHealthimportantaspectequitablesafehigh-qualitycareorganizationsimplementing'changechampions'appearspromisingaimedidentifyempiricalconceptualexistsconductedliteraturesearchMEDLINEEmbaseCINAHLScopusPubMedadditionalidentifiedsearchingreferencescitationsreviewsSeventeenfinal9qualitative4quasi-experimentalopinionwithoutUsingJBIcriticalappraisaltoolshighriskbiasOftenfocusarticleChampionsstaffacrossfrontlinemanagementfivetrainingKeychampionactivitiesrelatedeitherincreasingawarenesscommitmentiiinfluencingstrategicoperationalplanningcommonoutputensuringorganization'sinformationmaterialsmetguidelinesArticlesrecommendedengagingmultiplevaryingwithinorganizationincludinglevelLimitedfundingresourceskeybarriersTwofourreportedpositiveimpactsOveralladequatedetailcomprehensivereportingexperimentalprocessevaluationneededprogressarearegisteredPROSPEROCRD42022348816Systematicchampions:how?champion

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