Modeling vaccination coverage during the 2022 central Ohio measles outbreak: a cross-sectional study.

Rosemary A Martoma, Matthew Washam, Joshua C Martoma, Anne Cori, Maimuna S Majumder
Author Information
  1. Rosemary A Martoma: Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, United States.
  2. Matthew Washam: Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, United States.
  3. Joshua C Martoma: KidsMates Inc., Boca Raton, FL, United States.
  4. Anne Cori: MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Jameel Institute, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, United Kingdom.
  5. Maimuna S Majumder: Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.


Background: Of the eight large (>50 cases) US postelimination outbreaks, the first and last occurred in Ohio. Ohio's vaccination registry is incomplete. Community-level immunity gaps threaten more than two decades of measles elimination in the US. We developed a statistical model, VaxEstim, to rapidly estimate the early-phase vaccination coverage and immunity gap in the exposed population during the 2022 Central Ohio outbreak.
Methods: We used reconstructed daily incidence (from publicly available data) and assumptions about the distribution of the serial interval, or the time between symptom onset in successive measles cases, to estimate the effective reproduction number (i.e., the average number of secondary infections caused by an infected individual in a partially immune population). We estimated early-phase measles vaccination coverage by comparing the effective reproduction number to the basic reproduction number (i.e., the average number of secondary infections caused by an infected individual in a fully susceptible population) while accounting for vaccine effectiveness. Finally, we estimated the early-phase immunity gap as the difference between the estimated critical vaccination threshold and vaccination coverage.
Findings: VaxEstim estimated the early-phase vaccination coverage as 53% (95% credible interval, 21%-77%), the critical vaccination threshold as 93%, and the immunity gap as 42% (95% credible interval, 18%-74%).
Interpretation: This study estimates a significant immunity gap in the exposed population during the early phase of the 2022 Central Ohio measles outbreak, suggesting a robust public health response is needed to identify the susceptible community and develop community-specific strategies to close the immunity gap.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health; the UK Medical Research Council (MRC); the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Modelling Methodology; Imperial College London, and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Community Jameel; the EDCTP2 programme, supported by the EU; and the Sergei Brin Foundation.



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  1. MR/R015600/1/Medical Research Council
  2. R35 GM146974/NIGMS NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0vaccinationimmunitymeaslescoveragegapnumberOhioearly-phasepopulationestimatedMeasles2022outbreakintervalreproductionthresholdNationalHealthResearchcasesUSposteliminationeliminationVaxEstimestimateexposedCentraleffectiveieaveragesecondaryinfectionscausedinfectedindividualsusceptiblecritical95%crediblestudyresponsesupportedInstituteMedicalLondonBackground:eightlarge>50outbreaksfirstlastoccurredOhio'sregistryincompleteCommunity-levelgapsthreatentwodecadesdevelopedstatisticalmodelrapidlyMethods:usedreconstructeddailyincidencepubliclyavailabledataassumptionsdistributionserialtimesymptomonsetsuccessivepartiallyimmunecomparingbasicfullyaccountingvaccineeffectivenessFinallydifferenceFindings:53%21%-77%93%42%18%-74%Interpretation:estimatessignificantearlyphasesuggestingrobustpublichealthneededidentifycommunitydevelopcommunity-specificstrategiescloseFunding:workpartGeneralSciencesInstitutesUKCouncilMRCForeignCommonwealthDevelopmentOfficeNIHRProtectionUnitModellingMethodologyImperialCollegeSchoolHygiene&TropicalMedicineCommunityJameelEDCTP2programmeEUSergeiBrinFoundationModelingcentraloutbreak:cross-sectionalAntivaccinationmovementCriticalInfectiousdiseasecomplicationssurveillanceOutbreak-predictionmodelsRapidsystemsStatisticalmodellingUnitedStatesVaccinationVaccine-hesitancy

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