Dermatoses in Postmenopausal Women in a Tertiary Health Care Center of Bihar: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study.

U K Pallavi, Rajesh Sinha, Kranti Chandan Jaykar, Subhasree Sarkar, Tajwar Yasmeen, Dipali Prasad
Author Information
  1. U K Pallavi: Dermatology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.
  2. Rajesh Sinha: Dermatology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.
  3. Kranti Chandan Jaykar: Dermatoiogy, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.
  4. Subhasree Sarkar: Dermatology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.
  5. Tajwar Yasmeen: Community Medicine, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.
  6. Dipali Prasad: Obstetrics and Gynacology, Indira Gandhi Institue of Medical Sciences, Patna, IND.


Background Postmenopausal women comprise a very unique population with various dermatological, genital, and oral dermatoses due to the various physiological, age-related, and hormonal changes in this period, which have not yet been studied extensively, especially in India. Aims and objectives The aim of the study was to study the various epidemiological and clinical patterns of postmenopausal dermatosis. Material and methods We conducted a single-center observational cross-sectional study on 223 postmenopausal women attending the dermatology outpatient department (OPD) with various dermatological concerns to understand the various clinical patterns and presentations of postmenopausal dermatoses. Women were interviewed face to face using a pre-designed, pre-tested questionnaire. A detailed history followed by general physical, systemic, and cutaneous examination was done, along with investigations wherever needed. Results A total of 223 postmenopausal women were enrolled in our study, with a mean age group of 58.4 ± 5.1 years. The mean age of menopause in our study was 48.7 ± 3.8 years. In our study, 186 (83.4%) women had cutaneous dermatosis, 65 (29.1%) had genital dermatosis, 23 (10.3%) had oral mucosa involvement, 75 (33.6%) had hair disorders, and 58 (26%) had nail disorders. Limitation The limitation of our study is that it is a single-center study, and women with active HIV or hepatitis infection or known malignancy were excluded from the study. Conclusion A broader understanding of the diverse dermatological concerns of postmenopausal women would enable dermatologists to be better equipped to identify and treat postmenopausal dermatosis as well as provide better support to women going through this phase of life.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0studywomenpostmenopausaldermatosisvariousdermatologicalgenitaloralPostmenopausaldermatosesclinicalpatterns223concernsWomenfacecutaneousmeanage58±yearsmenopausedisordersbetterlichenBackgroundcomprise aunique populationduephysiologicalage-relatedhormonalchangesperiodyetstudiedextensivelyespeciallyIndiaAimsobjectivesaimepidemiologicalMaterialmethodsconducteda single-centerobservationalcross-sectionalattendingdermatologyoutpatientdepartmentOPDunderstandpresentationsinterviewedusingpre-designedpre-testedquestionnairedetailedhistoryfollowedgeneralphysicalsystemicexaminationdonealonginvestigationswhereverneededResultstotalenrolledgroup45148738186834%65291%23103%mucosainvolvement75336%hair26%nailLimitationlimitationsingle-centeractiveHIVhepatitisinfectionknownmalignancyexcludedConclusionbroaderunderstandingdiverseenabledermatologistsequippedidentifytreatwellprovidesupportgoingphaselifeDermatosesTertiaryHealthCareCenterBihar:ProspectiveCross-SectionalStudydermatophytosisestrogendeficiencysclerosusetatrophicusplanuspost-menopausal

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