The 100 most cited articles on trachoma: a bibliometric analysis.

Christian Renzo Aquino-Canchari, Sarai Gloria Chavez-Bustamante
Author Information
  1. Christian Renzo Aquino-Canchari: Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Peruana los Andes, Sociedad Científica de Estudiantes de Medicina los Andes (SOCIEMLA), CC.HH Juan Parra del Riego, II Etapa, Block 2, Dpto:101, El Tambo, Huancayo, Peru. ORCID
  2. Sarai Gloria Chavez-Bustamante: Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Continental, Sociedad Científica Médico Estudiantil Continental (SOCIMEC), Huancayo, Peru.


OBJECTIVE: Trachoma is the cause of blindness or visual impairment in 1.9 million people. Few bibliometric studies have been carried out, but none explore the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles on trachoma.
METHODS: A keyword-based search without time restriction was performed in September 2022 using the Scopus database. Search keywords include the following: "trachoma; trachome; tracoma; trachomatis." Two authors independently screened the literature and extracted data. The search result was obtained to classify the 100 articles according to their number of citations.
RESULTS: The Top 100 articles were published between 1957 and 2015 with a total of 11,102 citations (range 56-689). The country with the most significant contribution was the USA (n = 56). The Lancet was the most active journal (n = 15). Bailey RL was the author with the highest number of publications (n = 30). The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (n = 26) was the most prominent funding entity. The type of original article was the most published (n = 83), in addition, the most frequent thematic area was prevention (n = 33). The most popular keywords were trachoma (n = 93), chlamydia trachomatis (n = 55), and azithromycin (n = 34).
CONCLUSIONS: The study provides new insight into trachoma research, information that may help healthcare providers, researchers, and stakeholders better understand trends and influential contributions. It highlights under-researched areas that could be the basis for future research.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0100articlestrachomaTrachomabibliometriccitedsearchkeywordstrachomatisnumbercitationspublishedresearchanalysisCitationOBJECTIVE:causeblindnessvisualimpairment19millionpeoplestudiescarriednoneexplorecharacteristicsMETHODS:keyword-basedwithouttimerestrictionperformedSeptember2022usingScopusdatabaseSearchincludefollowing:"trachomatrachometracoma"TwoauthorsindependentlyscreenedliteratureextracteddataresultobtainedclassifyaccordingRESULTS:Top19572015total11102range56-689countrysignificantcontributionUSAn = 56Lancetactivejournaln = 15BaileyRLauthorhighestpublicationsn = 30EdnaMcConnellClarkFoundationn = 26prominentfundingentitytypeoriginalarticlen = 83additionfrequentthematicareapreventionn = 33popularn = 93chlamydian = 55azithromycinn = 34CONCLUSIONS:studyprovidesnewinsightinformationmayhelphealthcareprovidersresearchersstakeholdersbetterunderstandtrendsinfluentialcontributionshighlightsunder-researchedareasbasisfuturetrachoma:BibliometricsdatabasesPublicationRelevancy

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