Much research has been conducted that demonstrates a link between racial/ethnic residential segregation and health care outcomes. We suggest that minority segregated neighborhoods may have diminished access to organizations and that this differential access may contribute to differences in health care outcomes across communities. We analyze this specifically using the case of pediatric health care provider choice. To examine this association, we estimate a series of multinomial logistic regression models using restricted data with ZIP code level geoidentifiers from the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH). We find that racial/ethnic residential segregation is related to a greater reliance on non-ideal forms of health care, such as clinics, and hospital outpatient departments, instead of pediatric physician's offices. This association is at least partially attenuated by the distribution of health care facilities in the local area, physician's offices, and health care practitioners in particular. Additionally, families express greater dissatisfaction with these other forms of care compared to physician's offices, demonstrating that the lack of adequate health care provision is meaningful for health care outcomes. This study expands the literature by examining how the siting of health organizations has consequences for individuals residing within these areas.