There is a worldwide trend towards an increase in the number of people aged over 60, which in turn leads to an increase in the prevalence of vascular dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders, including the accompanying Aggressive behavior. The authors analyze the relationship of neuropsychiatric symptoms with Aggressive behavior and assess the impact of the evolution of dementia, socio-demographic factors on the development of Aggressive behavior in some subtypes of vascular dementia based on literature data retrieved from Scopus, PubMed, eLibrary databases as well as national guidelines. Analyzing the publication was made by the method of the system analysis and generalization. The analysis of the literature suggests that Aggressive behavior in patients with vascular dementia changes their lifestyle and worsens its quality, in addition, it increases the burden on caregivers. Also, this psychopathological process is one of the reasons for frequent hospitalizations of patients in psychiatric hospitals and social institutions, which becomes an urgent economic and medical problem at the state level. Of all the psychopathological symptoms in the clinical picture of vascular dementia, Aggressive behavior periodically occurs together with apathy, depression, anxiety, abnormal motor activity and hallucinations. The question of the highest frequency of occurrence of aggressive tendencies in one or another subtype of vascular dementia remains debatable. Research on the relationship between dementia severity, gender, and Aggressive behavior has been mixed. The question of the influence of the level of education on the manifestation of aggression in patients with vascular dementia remains completely unexplored. Thus, the above facts dictate the need for further study of these issues.