The physio-biochemical characterization reflected different calcium utilization efficiency between the sensitive and tolerant peanut accessions under calcium deficiency.

Kang Tang, Dengwang Liu, Na Liu, Ningbo Zeng, Jianguo Wang, Lin Li, Zinan Luo
Author Information
  1. Kang Tang: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  2. Dengwang Liu: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  3. Na Liu: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  4. Ningbo Zeng: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  5. Jianguo Wang: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, Shandong, China.
  6. Lin Li: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  7. Zinan Luo: College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, China.


Peanut yield in southern China is usually limited by calcium deficiency in soil. Most previous studies have found that small-seed varieties showed higher tolerance than large-seed varieties (e.g. Virginia type) under calcium deficiency, however, our preliminary research found that sensitive varieties also existed in small-seed counterparts. Few studies have been conducted to characterize low-calcium tolerance among small-seed germplasms with genetic diversity, and the differences in physiological characteristics between sensitive and tolerant varieties has not been reported yet. Thus, in order to better understand such differences, the current study firstly collected and characterized a diversity germplasm panel consisting of 50 small-seed peanut genotypes a 2-year field trial, followed by the physiological characterization in sensitive (HN032) and tolerant (HN035) peanut genotypes under calcium deficiency. As a result, the adverse effects brought by calcium deficiency on calcium uptake and distribution in HN032 was much larger than HN035. In details, calcium uptake in the aboveground part (leaves and stems) was reduced by 16.17% and 33.66%, while in the underground part (roots and pods), it was reduced by 13.69% and 68.09% under calcium deficiency for HN035 and HN032, respectively; The calcium distribution rate in the pods of HN035 was 2.74 times higher than HN032. The utilization efficiency of calcium in the pods of HN035 was 1.68 and 1.37 times than that of HN032 under calcium deficiency and sufficiency, respectively. In addition, under calcium deficiency conditions, the activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD, POD, and CAT, as well as the MDA content, were significantly increased in the leaves of HN032, peanut yield was significantly reduced by 22.75%. However, there were no significant changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, MDA content, and peanut yield in HN035. Therefore, higher calcium absorption and utilization efficiency may be the key factors maintaining peanut yield in calcium-deficient conditions for tolerant genotypes. This study lays a solid foundation for selecting low-calcium tolerant varieties in future peanut breeding.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0calciumdeficiencypeanutHN032HN035yieldvarietiestolerantsmall-seedsensitivehighergenotypesuptakedistributionreducedpodsutilizationefficiencyantioxidantenzymesstudiesfoundtolerancelow-calciumdiversitydifferencesphysiologicalstudycharacterizationpartleaves68respectivelytimes1conditionsactivitiesMDAcontentsignificantlyPeanutsouthernChinausuallylimitedsoilpreviousshowedlarge-seedegVirginiatypehoweverpreliminaryresearchalsoexistedcounterpartsconductedcharacterizeamonggermplasmsgeneticcharacteristicsreportedyetThusorderbetterunderstandcurrentfirstlycollectedcharacterizedgermplasmpanelconsisting502-yearfieldtrialfollowedresultadverseeffectsbroughtmuchlargerdetailsabovegroundstems1617%3366%undergroundroots1369%09%rate27437sufficiencyadditionSODPODCATwellincreased2275%HoweversignificantchangesThereforeabsorptionmaykeyfactorsmaintainingcalcium-deficientlayssolidfoundationselectingfuturebreedingphysio-biochemicalreflecteddifferentaccessions

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