Virulence potential of Salmonella 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated during decades from different sources in the Southeast region of Brazil.

Giovana do Nascimento Pereira, Amanda Aparecida Seribelli, Carolina Nogueira Gomes, Felipe Pinheiro Vilela, Ludmilla Tonani, Monique Ribeiro Tiba-Casas, Marta In��s Cazentini Medeiros, D��lia Dos Prazeres Rodrigues, M��rcia Regina von Zeska Kress, Juliana Pfrimer Falc��o
Author Information
  1. Giovana do Nascimento Pereira: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  2. Amanda Aparecida Seribelli: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  3. Carolina Nogueira Gomes: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  4. Felipe Pinheiro Vilela: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  5. Ludmilla Tonani: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  6. Monique Ribeiro Tiba-Casas: Instituto Adolfo Lutz - IAL, Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 355, S��o Paulo, SP, 01246-000, Brasil.
  7. Marta In��s Cazentini Medeiros: Instituto Adolfo Lutz - IAL, R. Minas, 877, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14085-410, Brasil.
  8. D��lia Dos Prazeres Rodrigues: Funda����o Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ, Pavilh��o Rocha Lima, Av. Brasil, 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21040-900, Brasil.
  9. M��rcia Regina von Zeska Kress: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil.
  10. Juliana Pfrimer Falc��o: Departamento de An��lises Cl��nicas, Toxicol��gicas E Bromatol��gicas, Faculdade de Ci��ncias Farmac��uticas de Ribeir��o Preto - USP, Av. Do Caf��, S/N��, Ribeir��o Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brasil. ORCID


Salmonella 1,4, [5],12:i:- is one of the most prevalent serovars associated with gastroenteritis in several countries, including Brazil. However, few studies have analyzed the virulence potential of this variant in this country. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize S. 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated in Southeast Brazil. To this end, 113 S. 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated from different sources between 1983 and 2020 were analyzed. For all strains, the frequencies of 11 virulence genes were investigated using PCR and the molecular typing was performed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Furthermore, 40 strains isolated from human and non-human sources were characterized by survival under acid and oxidative stress, and virulence analysis in Galleria mellonella was performed for 20 selected strains. All virulence genes were detected in more than 91% of the strains. The studied strains were grouped into four clusters using PFGE. Most strains were present in one cluster, named PFGE-A, with a genetic similarity of���������79.5%. All 40 strains survived acid stress after 10 min and 1 h of exposure. Under oxidative stress, all 40 strains survived after 10 min, and 36 survived after 1 h of exposure. In the G. mellonella assay, nine isolates from non-human sources and six isolates from human showed high-to-intermediate virulence profiles. In conclusion, the pathogenic potential of the strains studied was corroborated by the high frequency of all the virulence genes identified. The PFGE results suggested that most strains belonged to one main cluster that has been prevailing in the S��o Paulo State, Brazil. The S. 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated from human and non-human sources successfully survived the unfavorable conditions in the human gastrointestinal tract. Finally, strains isolated from non-human sources showed a higher proportion of isolates with high to intermediate virulence profiles in G. mellonella than in human isolates, suggesting a possible difference between isolates from different origins.



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MeSH Term

Virulence Factors
Molecular Typing
Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field


Virulence Factors

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0strainsvirulenceisolatedsources14[5]12:i:-humanstressisolatesBrazilgenesnon-humanmellonellasurvivedSalmonellaonepotentialSdifferentusingPFGE40analyzedSoutheastperformedacidoxidativeGalleriastudiedcluster10 min1 hexposureGshowedprofileshighVirulenceprevalentserovarsassociatedgastroenteritisseveralcountriesincludingHoweverstudiesvariantcountryThereforestudyaimedcharacterizeend11319832020frequencies11investigatedPCRmoleculartypingpulsed-fieldgelelectrophoresisFurthermorecharacterizedsurvivalanalysis20selecteddetected91%groupedfourclusterspresentnamedPFGE-Ageneticsimilarityof���������795%36assayninesixhigh-to-intermediateconclusionpathogeniccorroboratedfrequencyidentifiedresultssuggestedbelongedmainprevailingS��oPauloStatesuccessfullyunfavorableconditionsgastrointestinaltractFinallyhigherproportionintermediatesuggestingpossibledifferenceoriginsdecadesregionAcidMonophasicOxidative

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