The Impact of Implementing the Vortex Approach on Airway Management Performance in Stressed Medical Students: A Randomized Controlled Simulation Study.

Michał Starosolski, Cezary Kapłan, Alicja Kalemba, Karolina Majewska
Author Information
  1. Michał Starosolski: Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. ORCID
  2. Cezary Kapłan: Student Scientific Society at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. ORCID
  3. Alicja Kalemba: Student Scientific Society at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. ORCID
  4. Karolina Majewska: Student Scientific Society at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. ORCID


BACKGROUND The ability to manage airways in emergencies is paramount, especially for less experienced medical students. Although the Vortex Approach, a useful scheme to support decision-making during airway management, promises structured guidance, there's limited research on its benefits among students. Our study aimed to evaluate student proficiency in a simulated difficult airway scenario and assess the advantages of the Vortex Approach. MATERIAL AND METHODS Medical students initially practiced on low-fidelity mannequins. Subsequently, they were divided into Vortex (n=48) and control groups (n=48). The Vortex group received specialized training. Both groups encountered a simulated scenario focusing on proper ventilation and supraglottic device insertion when traditional intubation failed. Performance was assessed using the airway management outcome score (AMOS). RESULTS The Vortex-trained group demonstrated superior capabilities. Fewer participants exceeded 3 lifeline interventions (4.2% vs 16.7%, P=0.046). The Vortex group consistently optimized subsequent attempts (31.3% vs 10.4%, P=0.01) and reduced prolonged apnea episodes (47.9% vs 81.3%, P=0.0009). Their AMOS scores were notably higher (56.3% vs 27.1%, AMOS=2, P=0.002), reflecting better patient outcomes (41.7% vs 10.4%, P=0.0005). CONCLUSIONS There is a marked need to enhance airway management skills among senior medical students. The Vortex Approach, even after brief exposure, yields significant skill improvements, underscoring its potential as a pivotal component in medical training. Integrating it into the curriculum could bridge the evident skill gap, optimizing future patient care.


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MeSH Term

Students, Medical
Airway Management
Simulation Training
Clinical Competence

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0VortexvsP=0studentsApproachairwaymedicalmanagementgroup3%amongsimulatedscenarioMedicaln=48groupstrainingPerformanceAMOS7%104%patientskillBACKGROUNDabilitymanageairwaysemergenciesparamountespeciallylessexperiencedAlthoughusefulschemesupportdecision-makingpromisesstructuredguidancelimitedresearchbenefitsstudyaimedevaluatestudentproficiencydifficultassessadvantagesMATERIALANDMETHODSinitiallypracticedlow-fidelitymannequinsSubsequentlydividedcontrolreceivedspecializedencounteredfocusingproperventilationsupraglotticdeviceinsertiontraditionalintubationfailedassessedusingoutcomescoreRESULTSVortex-traineddemonstratedsuperiorcapabilitiesFewerparticipantsexceeded3lifelineinterventions42%16046consistentlyoptimizedsubsequentattempts3101reducedprolongedapneaepisodes479%810009scoresnotablyhigher56271%AMOS=2002reflectingbetteroutcomes410005CONCLUSIONSmarkedneedenhanceskillsseniorevenbriefexposureyieldssignificantimprovementsunderscoringpotentialpivotalcomponentIntegratingcurriculumbridgeevidentgapoptimizingfuturecareImpactImplementingAirwayManagementStressedStudents:RandomizedControlledSimulationStudy

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