No Link Between Speech-in-Noise Perception and Auditory Sensory Memory - Evidence From a Large Cohort of Older and Younger Listeners.

Roberta Bianco, Maria Chait
Author Information
  1. Roberta Bianco: Ear Institute, University College London, London, UK. ORCID
  2. Maria Chait: Ear Institute, University College London, London, UK. ORCID


A growing literature is demonstrating a link between working memory (WM) and speech-in-noise (SiN) perception. However, the nature of this correlation and which components of WM might underlie it, are being debated. We investigated how SiN reception links with auditory sensory memory (aSM) - the low-level processes that support the short-term maintenance of temporally unfolding sounds. A large sample of old (���=���199, 60-79 yo) and young (���=���149, 20-35 yo) participants was recruited online and performed a coordinate response measure-based speech-in-babble task that taps listeners' ability to track a speech target in background noise. We used two tasks to investigate implicit and explicit aSM. Both were based on tone patterns overlapping in processing time scales with speech (presentation rate of tones 20 Hz; of patterns 2 Hz). We hypothesised that a link between SiN and aSM may be particularly apparent in older listeners due to age-related reduction in both SiN reception and aSM. We confirmed impaired SiN reception in the older cohort and demonstrated reduced aSM performance in those listeners. However, SiN and aSM did not share variability. Across the two age groups, SiN performance was predicted by a binaural processing test and age. The results suggest that previously observed links between WM and SiN may relate to the executive components and other cognitive demands of the used tasks. This finding helps to constrain the search for the perceptual and cognitive factors that explain individual variability in SiN performance.



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  1. BB/P003745/1/Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  2. /Department of Health

MeSH Term

Speech Perception
Memory, Short-Term

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0SiNaSMmemoryWMreceptionperformancelinkHowevercomponentslinks-short-termyoonlinespeechusedtwotaskspatternsprocessingHzmayolderlistenersvariabilityagecognitivegrowingliteraturedemonstratingworkingspeech-in-noiseperceptionnaturecorrelationmightunderliedebatedinvestigatedauditorysensorylow-levelprocessessupportmaintenancetemporallyunfoldingsoundslargesampleold���=���19960-79young���=���14920-35participantsrecruitedperformedcoordinateresponsemeasure-basedspeech-in-babbletasktapslisteners'abilitytracktargetbackgroundnoiseinvestigateimplicitexplicitbasedtoneoverlappingtimescalespresentationratetones202hypothesisedparticularlyapparentdueage-relatedreductionconfirmedimpairedcohortdemonstratedreducedshareAcrossgroupspredictedbinauraltestresultssuggestpreviouslyobservedrelateexecutivedemandsfindinghelpsconstrainsearchperceptualfactorsexplainindividualLinkSpeech-in-NoisePerceptionAuditorySensoryMemoryEvidenceLargeCohortOlderYoungerListenersCRMageingtestingtemporalregularity

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