A New Strategy for Consumption of Functional Lipids from (Chavannes): Study on Microcapsules and Effervescent Tablets Containing Insect Wax-Derived Policosanol.

Yiwen Liu, Hong Zhang, Juan Xu, Rui He, Jinju Ma, Chiqing Chen, Lanxiang Liu
Author Information
  1. Yiwen Liu: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China.
  2. Hong Zhang: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China.
  3. Juan Xu: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China.
  4. Rui He: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China.
  5. Jinju Ma: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China. ORCID
  6. Chiqing Chen: Research Center of Efficient Breeding and Deep Processing Engineering Technology of Gallnut, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Wufeng 443400, China.
  7. Lanxiang Liu: Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, China.


In this study, we addressed various challenges associated with the consumption of functional lipids from the (Chavannes), including unfavorable taste, insolubility in water, difficulty in oral intake, low bioavailability, and low psychological acceptance. Our study focused on the microencapsulation of policosanol, the key active component of insect Wax, which is a mixture of functional lipids secreted by the (Chavannes). We developed two innovative policosanol products, microcapsules, and effervescent tablets, and optimized their preparation conditions. We successfully prepared microcapsules containing insect Wax-derived policosanol using the spray-drying method. We achieved 92.09% microencapsulation efficiency and 61.67% powder yield under the following conditions: maltodextrin, starch sodium octenyl succinate, and (2-hydroxy)propyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) at a ratio of 1:1:1, core-to-wall materials at a ratio of 1:10, 15% solid content, spray dryer feed temperature at 60 °C, inlet air temperature at 140 °C, and hot-air flow rate at 0.5 m/min. The microcapsules exhibited a regular spherical shape with a minimal water content (1.82%) and rapid dispersion in water (within 143.5 s). These microcapsules released policosanol rapidly in simulated stomach fluid. Moreover, effervescent tablets were prepared using the policosanol-containing microcapsules. The tablets showed low friability (0.32%), quick disintegration in water (within 99.5 s), and high bubble volume. The microcapsules and effervescent tablets developed in this study presented effective solutions to the insolubility of policosanol in water. These products were portable and offered customizable tastes to address the psychological discomfort related to insect-based foods, thus providing a novel strategy for the consumption and secondary processing of insect lipids.



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  1. CAFYBB2021SY011/the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Nonprofit Research Institution of CAF
  2. CAFYBB2018SY025/the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Nonprofit Research Institution of CAF

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0microcapsulespolicosanolinsectwatertabletslipidseffervescentstudyfunctionalChavanneslow5consumptioninsolubilitypsychologicalmicroencapsulationdevelopedproductspreparedusingratiocontenttemperature°C0withinsaddressedvariouschallengesassociatedincludingunfavorabletastedifficultyoralintakebioavailabilityacceptancefocusedkeyactivecomponentwaxmixturesecretedtwoinnovativeoptimizedpreparationconditionssuccessfullycontainingwax-derivedspray-dryingmethodachieved9209%efficiency6167%powderyieldfollowingconditions:maltodextrinstarchsodiumoctenylsuccinate2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrinHPβCD1:1:1core-to-wallmaterials1:1015%solidspraydryerfeed60inletair140hot-airflowratem/minexhibitedregularsphericalshapeminimal182%rapiddispersion143releasedrapidlysimulatedstomachfluidMoreoverpolicosanol-containingshowedfriability32%quickdisintegration99highbubblevolumepresentedeffectivesolutionsportableofferedcustomizabletastesaddressdiscomfortrelatedinsect-basedfoodsthusprovidingnovelstrategysecondaryprocessingNewStrategyConsumptionFunctionalLipids:StudyMicrocapsulesEffervescentTabletsContainingInsectWax-DerivedPolicosanolediblewax–derived

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