Emerald ash borer invasion of riparian forests alters organic matter and bacterial subsidies to south Michigan headwater streams.

Courtney E Larson, Patrick Engelken, Deborah G McCullough, M Eric Benbow
Author Information
  1. Courtney E Larson: Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, Natural Science Building. 288, Farm Lane Room 243, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.
  2. Patrick Engelken: Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, Natural Science Building. 288, Farm Lane Room 243, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.
  3. Deborah G McCullough: Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, Natural Science Building. 288, Farm Lane Room 243, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.
  4. M Eric Benbow: Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, Natural Science Building. 288, Farm Lane Room 243, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.


Emerald ash borer (EAB) has killed millions of ash trees in the United States and Canada, yet impacts on terrestrial-aquatic linkages are largely unknown. Ash tree death along streams creates canopy gaps, increasing light to riparian plants and potentially affecting organic matter subsidies. Six EAB-related canopy gaps along streams across a gradient of timing of EAB invasion in Michigan were characterized for coarse woody material (CWM), terrestrial and aquatic leaf litter and their associated bacterial communities, and macroinvertebrates upstream, downstream, and at the center of the gap. Stream sites downstream of EAB-related canopy gaps had significantly lower dissolved oxygen and macroinvertebrate diversity than sites upstream and at the gaps. Yet there was no difference in CWM or aquatic leaf litter, likely due to downstream movement of organic matter from upstream riparian sources. Low abundance bacterial amplicon sequence variants unique to gap or forest were detected in leaves and leaf litter, suggesting that EAB-related canopy gaps altered leaf-associated bacterial communities. Overall, EAB invasion indirectly impacted some variables, while organic matter dynamics were resistant to change.


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  1. EPA999999/Intramural EPA

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0gapscanopyorganicmatterbacterialashEABstreamsriparianEAB-relatedinvasionleaflitterupstreamdownstreamEmeraldboreralongsubsidiesMichiganCWMaquaticcommunitiesgapsiteskilledmillionstreesUnitedStatesCanadayetimpactsterrestrial-aquaticlinkageslargelyunknownAshtreedeathcreatesincreasinglightplantspotentiallyaffectingSixacrossgradienttimingcharacterizedcoarsewoodymaterialterrestrialassociatedmacroinvertebratescenterStreamsignificantlylowerdissolvedoxygenmacroinvertebratediversityYetdifferencelikelyduemovementsourcesLowabundanceampliconsequencevariantsuniqueforestdetectedleavessuggestingalteredleaf-associatedOverallindirectlyimpactedvariablesdynamicsresistantchangeforestsalterssouthheadwater

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