Prokaryotic virus host prediction with graph contrastive augmentaion.

Zhi-Hua Du, Jun-Peng Zhong, Yun Liu, Jian-Qiang Li
Author Information
  1. Zhi-Hua Du: College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guang-dong, China. ORCID
  2. Jun-Peng Zhong: College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guang-dong, China.
  3. Yun Liu: College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guang-dong, China.
  4. Jian-Qiang Li: College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guang-dong, China.


Prokaryotic viruses, also known as bacteriophages, play crucial roles in regulating microbial communities and have the potential for phage therapy applications. Accurate prediction of phage-host interactions is essential for understanding the dynamics of these viruses and their impacts on bacterial populations. Numerous computational methods have been developed to tackle this challenging task. However, most existing prediction models can be constrained due to the substantial number of unknown interactions in comparison to the constrained diversity of available training data. To solve the problem, we introduce a model for prokaryotic virus host prediction with graph contrastive augmentation (PHPGCA). Specifically, we construct a comprehensive heterogeneous graph by integrating virus-virus protein similarity and virus-host DNA sequence similarity information. As the backbone encoder for learning node representations in the virus-prokaryote graph, we employ LGCN, a state-of-the-art graph embedding technique. Additionally, we apply graph contrastive learning to augment the node representations without the need for additional labels. We further conducted two case studies aimed at predicting the host range of multi-species phages, helping to understand the phage ecology and evolution.


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MeSH Term

Prokaryotic Cells
Host Specificity

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0graphpredictionhostcontrastiveProkaryoticvirusesphageinteractionsconstrainedvirussimilaritylearningnoderepresentationsalsoknownbacteriophagesplaycrucialrolesregulatingmicrobialcommunitiespotentialtherapyapplicationsAccuratephage-hostessentialunderstandingdynamicsimpactsbacterialpopulationsNumerouscomputationalmethodsdevelopedtacklechallengingtaskHoweverexistingmodelscanduesubstantialnumberunknowncomparisondiversityavailabletrainingdatasolveproblemintroducemodelprokaryoticaugmentationPHPGCASpecificallyconstructcomprehensiveheterogeneousintegratingvirus-virusproteinvirus-hostDNAsequenceinformationbackboneencodervirus-prokaryoteemployLGCNstate-of-the-artembeddingtechniqueAdditionallyapplyaugmentwithoutneedadditionallabelsconductedtwocasestudiesaimedpredictingrangemulti-speciesphageshelpingunderstandecologyevolutionaugmentaion

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