Cost of illness of the vaccine-preventable diseases influenza, herpes zoster and pneumococcal disease in France.

Lauren Brown, Kelly J Sutton, Chantelle Browne, José Bartelt-Hofer, Wolfgang Greiner, Audrey Petitjean, Julie Roiz
Author Information
  1. Lauren Brown: Evidera, London, UK.
  2. Kelly J Sutton: Evidera, London, UK.
  3. Chantelle Browne: Evidera, London, UK.
  4. José Bartelt-Hofer: Sanofi Vaccines, Lyon, France.
  5. Wolfgang Greiner: University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany.
  6. Audrey Petitjean: Sanofi Vaccines, Lyon, France.
  7. Julie Roiz: Evidera, London, UK.


BACKGROUND: The incidence of certain vaccine-preventative diseases, such as influenza, herpes zoster and pneumococcal infection, continues to be high despite the availability of vaccines, resulting in a substantial health and economic burden on society, particularly among older adults aged ≥65 years.
METHODS: A cost calculator was developed to assess the cost of illness of influenza, herpes zoster and pneumococcal disease in France. Direct medical costs related to diagnosis and treatment in the older adult population in both inpatient and outpatient settings were modelled over a 1-year time horizon. Scenario analyses were conducted to determine the impact of hospitalizations on the results by considering only influenza-attributed diagnoses.
RESULTS: In France, influenza has the highest incidence, followed by herpes zoster and pneumococcal disease. Similarly, influenza poses the greatest cost burden among all older adults, while pneumococcal disease poses the greatest cost burden among those aged 65-74 years. When considering only influenza-attributed diagnoses, the number of inpatient visits and associated costs was reduced by 63% in the overall older adult population. In the low-incidence season, the number of inpatient visits and associated costs were reduced by 69%, while in the high-incidence season, the number of inpatient visits and associated costs increased by 63%.
CONCLUSION: influenza remains a leading vaccine-preventable disease among older adults in France, resulting in a substantial economic burden that could be prevented by increasing vaccine uptake.


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  1. /Sanofi

MeSH Term

Influenza, Human
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Herpes Zoster
Influenza Vaccines
Pneumococcal Infections
Cost of Illness


Influenza Vaccines

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0influenzapneumococcalolderdiseaseherpeszosterburdenamongcostFrancecostsinpatientadultsnumbervisitsassociatedincidencediseasesresultingsubstantialeconomicagedillnessadultpopulationconsideringinfluenza-attributeddiagnosesposesgreatestreduced63%seasonvaccine-preventableBACKGROUND:certainvaccine-preventativeinfectioncontinueshighdespiteavailabilityvaccineshealthsocietyparticularly≥65 yearsMETHODS:calculatordevelopedassessDirectmedicalrelateddiagnosistreatmentoutpatientsettingsmodelled1-yeartimehorizonScenarioanalysesconducteddetermineimpacthospitalizationsresultsRESULTS:highestfollowedSimilarly65-74 yearsoveralllow-incidence69%high-incidenceincreasedCONCLUSION:InfluenzaremainsleadingpreventedincreasingvaccineuptakeCost

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