Does positive feedback or appraisal about medical providers increase patients' trust and lead to better treatment outcomes? A double-blind randomized control trial.

Huan-Jui Yeh, Hui-Chen Cheng, Shang-Chien Huang, Shun-Ping Cheng
Author Information
  1. Huan-Jui Yeh: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare: No. 127, Su-Yuan Rd., Hsin-Chuang Dist., New Taipei City 24213, Taiwan.
  2. Hui-Chen Cheng: Department of Ophthalmology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan.
  3. Shang-Chien Huang: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare: No. 127, Su-Yuan Rd., Hsin-Chuang Dist., New Taipei City 24213, Taiwan.
  4. Shun-Ping Cheng: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare: No. 127, Su-Yuan Rd., Hsin-Chuang Dist., New Taipei City 24213, Taiwan.


[Purpose] Trust among patients and clinical suppliers is the foundation for achieving appropriate treatment. This double-blind randomized control trial aimed to determine whether providing patients a pre-treatment physical therapists' introductions and positive appraisal can enhance the trust of patients in therapists. [Participants and Methods] This study included patients diagnosed with lumbar spine spondylosis or non-acute lower back muscle strain who were divided into intervention and control groups. The previously recorded video informed the intervention group patients that they were assigned to our best therapist because of their participation. The primary outcome was evaluated twice, once before and once after the treatment, and the secondary outcome was measured using the second time pain inventory evaluation. [Results] A total of 32 patients participated in this study. No significant difference was found in patients' trust in therapists between the two groups, and a lower successful treatment rate with a higher pain influence level to daily life was noted in the intervention group. [Conclusion] Doctors who offer introductions with a positive assessment of physical therapists cannot change the trust of patients on therapists. Furthermore, this action may risk worse treatment outcomes.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0patientstreatmenttrusttherapistscontrolpositiveinterventionTrustdouble-blindrandomizedtrialphysicalintroductionsappraisalstudylowergroupsgroupoutcomepainpatients'[Purpose]amongclinicalsuppliersfoundationachievingappropriateaimeddeterminewhetherprovidingpre-treatmenttherapists'canenhance[ParticipantsMethods]includeddiagnosedlumbarspinespondylosisnon-acutebackmusclestraindividedpreviouslyrecordedvideoinformedassignedbesttherapistparticipationprimaryevaluatedtwicesecondarymeasuredusingsecondtimeinventoryevaluation[Results]total32participatedsignificantdifferencefoundtwosuccessfulratehigherinfluenceleveldailylifenoted[Conclusion]DoctorsofferassessmentchangeFurthermoreactionmayriskworseoutcomesfeedbackmedicalprovidersincreaseleadbetteroutcomes?PersuasivecommunicationPropaganda

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