Association of interleukin-13 gene single nucleotide polymorphism rs1800925 with allergic asthma in Asian population: A meta-analysis.

Kenneth V Gaceja, Zaynah Faith R Ancheta, Abigail Charisse A Buna, Sandra Mae S Clarencio, Maria Angelica R Garrido, John Donnie A Ramos
Author Information
  1. Kenneth V Gaceja: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines. ORCID
  2. Zaynah Faith R Ancheta: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines.
  3. Abigail Charisse A Buna: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines.
  4. Sandra Mae S Clarencio: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines.
  5. Maria Angelica R Garrido: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines.
  6. John Donnie A Ramos: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1008, Philippines.


Background: The interleukin-13 (IL-13) gene has been associated with allergic asthma pathogenesis due to its role in IgE synthesis. The IL-13 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1800925 has been implicated in exacerbated allergic asthma symptoms in different ethnicities.
Objectives: To determine the association of IL-13 SNP rs1800925 with allergic asthma symptoms in the Asian population.
Methods: Major databases were searched for studies on the association of IL-13 rs1800925 with allergic asthma in various Asian populations published between 2010 and February 2022. The odds ratio with 95% CI was obtained from included studies, and the association was evaluated using different genetic models. Heterogeneity was explored by subgroup analyses and statistic evaluation.
Results: Eleven studies with a total of 2895 cases and 2914 controls were included in this meta-analysis. The majority of the cases exhibited CC genotype (n = 1897), followed by CT genotype (n = 852), and TT genotype (n = 146). IL-13 rs1800925 was significantly associated with increased allergic asthma risk in the Asian population under the recessive model (TT vs CT/CC: OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.14-1.93; = 0.37; = 08%). Subgroup analyses by ethnicity showed an elevated risk of allergic asthma in West Asians (Iranian and Saudi Arabian) followed by East Asians (Chinese and Japanese) using the recessive model. Both age groups (adults and children) exhibited an increased risk of allergic asthma.
Conclusion: This meta-analysis provides evidence that IL-13 SNP rs1800925 is a risk factor for allergic asthma in the Asian Population. It also suggests that rs1800925 is a risk factor present in both adult and children population.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0asthmaallergicrs1800925IL-13Asian=riskSNPinterleukin-13singlenucleotidepolymorphismassociationpopulationstudiesmeta-analysisgenotypengeneassociatedsymptomsdifferent95%CIincludedusinganalysescasesexhibitedfollowedTTincreasedrecessivemodel1AsianschildrenfactorBackground:pathogenesisdueroleIgEsynthesisimplicatedexacerbatedethnicitiesObjectives:determineMethods:Majordatabasessearchedvariouspopulationspublished2010February2022oddsratioobtainedevaluatedgeneticmodelsHeterogeneityexploredsubgroupstatisticevaluationResults:Eleventotal28952914controlsmajorityCC1897CT852146significantlyvsCT/CC:OR4814-19303708%SubgroupethnicityshowedelevatedWestIranianSaudiArabianEastChineseJapaneseagegroupsadultsConclusion:providesevidencePopulationalsosuggestspresentadultAssociationpopulation:Allergic

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