Chemical composition and nutritional profile of cicada ( Walker) at different developmental stages: Implications for functional food applications.

Hua Li, Theeraphan Chumroenphat, Apichaya Bunyatratchata, Parinya Boonarsa, Colin Wrigley, Sirithon Siriamornpun
Author Information
  1. Hua Li: Department of Cuisine and Nutrition, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province 225127, China.
  2. Theeraphan Chumroenphat: Research Unit of Thai Food Innovation (TFI), Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.
  3. Apichaya Bunyatratchata: Research Unit of Thai Food Innovation (TFI), Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.
  4. Parinya Boonarsa: Research Unit of Thai Food Innovation (TFI), Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.
  5. Colin Wrigley: Center for Crop Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4067, Australia.
  6. Sirithon Siriamornpun: Research Unit of Thai Food Innovation (TFI), Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.


This investigation explored chemical changes in cicadas during their developmental stages (nymph, late nymph, and adult). Tocopherols (α, δ, γ) were found at a total content of 13.7 mg/g, while γ-oryzanol was observed at 2.6 mg/g, with nymphs having the highest levels, followed by late nymphs and adults. Essential amino acids increased progressively with maturation, with methionine being the predominant amino acid in all samples. The index of essential amino acids in each tissue was as follows: adult (0.36), late nymph (0.33), and nymph (0.12). Eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations varied from 230 mg/100 g in adults to 880 mg/100 g in nymphs. Protein analysis using the Protein Simple Jess system revealed a molecular weight distribution ranging from 10 to 75 kDa, accounting for approximately 70 % of the total protein content. These findings offer valuable insights for incorporating cicadas as functional food ingredients, diversifying food product formulations.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nymphaminoacidlatenymphs0foodcicadasdevelopmentaladulttotalcontentadultsEssentialacidsEicosapentaenoicProteinfunctionalinvestigationexploredchemicalchangesstagesTocopherolsαδγfound137 mg/gγ-oryzanolobserved26 mg/ghighestlevelsfollowedincreasedprogressivelymaturationmethioninepredominantsamplesindexessentialtissuefollows:363312concentrationsvaried230 mg/100 g880 mg/100 ganalysisusingSimpleJesssystemrevealedmolecularweightdistributionranging1075 kDaaccountingapproximately70 %proteinfindingsoffervaluableinsightsincorporatingingredientsdiversifyingproductformulationsChemicalcompositionnutritionalprofilecicadaWalkerdifferentstages:ImplicationsapplicationsEdibleinsectNutritionalqualityPhenoliccompound

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