Tailed bacteriophages (Caudoviricetes) dominate the microbiome of a diseased stingless bee.

Lilian Caesar, Karen Luisa Haag
Author Information
  1. Lilian Caesar: Indiana University Bloomington, Department of Biology, Bloomington, IN, USA. ORCID
  2. Karen Luisa Haag: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Gen��tica, Programa de P��s-Gradua����o em Gen��tica e Biologia Molecular, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. ORCID


Bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacterial hosts, are known to rule the dynamics and diversity of bacterial populations in a number of ecosystems. Bacterial communities residing in the gut of animals, known as the gut microbiome, have revolutionized our understanding of many diseases. However, the gut phageome, while of apparent importance in this context, remains an underexplored area of research. Here we identify for the first time genomic sequences from tailed viruses (Caudoviricetes) that are associated with the microbiome of stingless bees (Melipona quadrifasciata). Both DNA and RNA were extracted from virus particles isolated from healthy and diseased forager bees, the latter showing symptoms from an annual syndrome that only affects M. quadrifasciata. Viral contigs from previously sequenced metagenomes of healthy and diseased forager bees were used for the analyses. Using conserved proteins deduced from their genomes, we found that Caudoviricetes were only present in the worker bee gut microbiome from diseased stingless bees. The most abundant phages are phylogenetically related to phages that infect Gram-positive bacteria from the order Lactobacillales and Gram-negative bacteria from the genus Gilliamella and Bartonella, that are common honey bee symbionts. The potential implication of these viruses in the M. quadrifasciata syndrome is discussed.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0gutmicrobiomebeesdiseasedvirusesCaudoviricetesstinglessquadrifasciatabeeinfectbacterialknownhealthyforagersyndromeMphagesbacteriaBacteriophageshostsruledynamicsdiversitypopulationsnumberecosystemsBacterialcommunitiesresidinganimalsrevolutionizedunderstandingmanydiseasesHoweverphageomeapparentimportancecontextremainsunderexploredarearesearchidentifyfirsttimegenomicsequencestailedassociatedMeliponaDNARNAextractedvirusparticlesisolatedlattershowingsymptomsannualaffectsViralcontigspreviouslysequencedmetagenomesusedanalysesUsingconservedproteinsdeducedgenomesfoundpresentworkerabundantphylogeneticallyrelatedGram-positiveorderLactobacillalesGram-negativegenusGilliamellaBartonellacommonhoneysymbiontspotentialimplicationdiscussedTailedbacteriophagesdominate

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