Supporting emergency service workers to cope with critical incidents that can lead to psychological burden at work - developing skills in the Post Critical Incident Seminar: a qualitative interview study.

Sanna Korpela, Hilla Nordquist
Author Information
  1. Sanna Korpela: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, P����skysentie 1, Kotka, 48220, Finland.
  2. Hilla Nordquist: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, P����skysentie 1, Kotka, 48220, Finland.


BACKGROUND: Emergency service workers face critical incidents causing psychological burden. This qualitative study investigates how attending a Post Critical Incident Seminar could affect the skills of emergency service workers to overcome incidents that can cause psychological burden at work and their consequences with the following research questions: (1) How did attending the Post Critical Incident Seminar impact the skills to overcome work incidents that can lead to psychological burden? and (2) How have these skills been manifested since attending the Post Critical Incident Seminar?
METHODS: The data consists of individual interviews with fifteen emergency services workers who attended a Post Critical Incident Seminar in April 2021 in Finland. The interviews were conducted six months after the Post Critical Incident Seminar and analysed using inductive content analysis.
RESULTS: The results of the first research question formed two main categories: improved performance abilities and improved self-regulation abilities. From the results of the second research question two main categories were created: new kind(s) of well-being and readiness to help. Several upper categories and sub-categories were discovered.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results, attending a Post Critical Incident Seminar may be effective in developing skills to overcome critical incidents that can lead to psychological burden. Further follow-up studies should investigate how acquired skills from the Post Critical Incident Seminar practically affect emergency service workers and their well-being in the longer term.



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  1. VN/6293/2021/Fire Protection Fund

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Qualitative Research

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PostCriticalIncidentSeminarskillsworkersincidentspsychologicalburdenserviceattendingemergencycancriticalovercomeworkresearchleadresultsqualitativestudyaffectinterviewsquestiontwomainimprovedabilitiescategorieswell-beingdevelopingBACKGROUND:Emergencyfacecausinginvestigatescauseconsequencesfollowingquestions:1impactburden?2manifestedsinceSeminar?METHODS:dataconsistsindividualfifteenservicesattendedApril2021FinlandconductedsixmonthsanalysedusinginductivecontentanalysisRESULTS:firstformedcategories:performanceself-regulationsecondcreated:newkindsreadinesshelpSeveraluppersub-categoriesdiscoveredCONCLUSIONS:Basedmayeffectivefollow-upstudiesinvestigateacquiredpracticallylongertermSupportingcope-Seminar:interviewCopingFirefighterParamedicPost-criticalincidentseminarPsychological

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