Publication Trends and Collaborative Patterns in Periodontics Research from Saudi Arabia: A Bibliometric Analysis.

Hussam M Alqahtani, Ikram U Haq
Author Information
  1. Hussam M Alqahtani: Department of Preventive Dental Science, College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Ikram U Haq: College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Aim: To perform a comprehensive bibliometric analysis encompassing all articles published on periodontics from Saudi Arabia.
Materials and Methods: Using the Scopus database on June 8, 2023, the search term "Periodontic*" was entered in the primary search bar to extract all documents published on periodontics. Following, the year filter was applied to include articles published from the earliest available date until the date of data collection, excluding 2023. Next, we used the country/region filter to limit our documents to Saudi Arabia ( = 1929). We used Microsoft Excel (v.16) to examine periodical growth, collaboration patterns, influential institutions, frequently used sources, international research collaboration, and most-cited papers.
Results: Saudi Arabia ranked 11th in periodontics research, contributing 3.43% to the global research output, reaching a peak of 7.63% in 2022. Notably, there was significant growth observed during the last 5 years of the study, with an average of 232.8 documents per year. The analysis of citations revealed that the selected documents received an average of 13.39 citations per document. Indigenous literature received less citation on average compared to internationally collaborated documents. King Saud University ranked first among the most productive institutions in Saudi Arabia, accounting 40.74% of the total output. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice published the highest number of documents, followed by the Saudi Dental Journal and the Journal of Periodontology. In terms of citation impact, the Journal of Periodontology emerged as the most influential, with an average of 32.83 citations per document. Research collaboration was most prevalent with researchers from the United States (22.03%), although Germany ranked first in terms of citation impact.
Conclusion: Saudi Arabia's contribution to periodontics research has shown significant growth in recent years. The collaborative efforts with international researchers, particularly those from the United States, have played a crucial role in fostering advancements within the field.



  1. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2023 Apr 28;13(2):96-105 [PMID: 37223449]
  2. Int J Mol Med. 2012 Sep;30(3):502-8 [PMID: 22692760]
  3. World J Surg. 2002 Sep;26(9):1099-105 [PMID: 12209239]
  4. Periodontol 2000. 2020 Feb;82(1):286-297 [PMID: 31850637]
  5. J Endod. 2011 Sep;37(9):1183-90 [PMID: 21846531]
  6. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2009 Jan-Feb;57(1):13-8 [PMID: 19219533]
  7. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Oct;203(4):355.e1-7 [PMID: 20875501]
  8. Anesth Analg. 2004 Feb;98(2):443-451 [PMID: 14742385]
  9. J Clin Periodontol. 2018 Jun;45 Suppl 20:S162-S170 [PMID: 29926490]
  10. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 May;121(5):320e-327e [PMID: 18453945]
  11. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 May;91(5):806-15 [PMID: 20434622]
  12. Saudi Dent J. 2022 Feb;34(2):107-113 [PMID: 35241899]
  13. J Orthop Trauma. 2010 Jan;24(1):53-8 [PMID: 20035179]

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0SaudidocumentsperiodonticsArabiaresearchpublishedaverageJournalusedgrowthcollaborationrankedpercitationscitationanalysisarticles82023searchyearfilterdateinfluentialinstitutionsinternationaloutputsignificantyearsreceiveddocumentfirstDentalPeriodontologytermsimpactResearchresearchersUnitedStatesBibliometricAim:performcomprehensivebibliometricencompassingMaterialsMethods:UsingScopusdatabaseJuneterm"Periodontic*"enteredprimarybarextractFollowingappliedincludeearliestavailabledatacollectionexcludingNextcountry/regionlimit=1929MicrosoftExcelv16examineperiodicalpatternsfrequentlysourcesmost-citedpapersResults:11thcontributing343%globalreachingpeak763%2022Notablyobservedlast5study232revealedselected1339IndigenousliteraturelesscomparedinternationallycollaboratedKingSaudUniversityamongproductiveaccounting4074%totalContemporaryPracticehighestnumberfollowedemerged3283prevalent2203%althoughGermanyConclusion:Arabia'scontributionshownrecentcollaborativeeffortsparticularlyplayedcrucialrolefosteringadvancementswithinfieldPublicationTrendsCollaborativePatternsPeriodonticsArabia:Analysisproductivity

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