Effects of simulated acid rain on hydrochemical factors and microbial community structure in red soil aquifers.

Yian Wang, Chao Long, Li Yin, Renlu Liu, Yonghui Liao, Genhe He, Zuwen Liu
Author Information
  1. Yian Wang: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn. ORCID
  2. Chao Long: School of Civil and Surveying & Mapping Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Ganzhou Jiangxi China lc18832058300@163.com.
  3. Li Yin: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn.
  4. Renlu Liu: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn.
  5. Yonghui Liao: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn.
  6. Genhe He: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn.
  7. Zuwen Liu: School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University Ji'an Jiangxi China yinli_voyage@126.com liurenlu89@163.com liaoyonghui1104@126.com liuzw@jxust.edu.cn nickowya@163.com hegenhe@jgsu.edu.cn.


Acid rain can lower the pH of groundwater and affect its hydrogeochemistry and microbial ecology. However, the effects of acid rain on the hydrogeochemistry and microbial ecology of red soil groundwater systems in southern China are poorly understood. Previous research had mainly investigated the sources and patterns of groundwater acidification, but not the microbial mechanisms that contribute to this process and their associations with hydrochemical factors. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a soil column experiment to simulate the infiltration of acid rain through various filter materials (coarse, medium, and fine sand) and to examine the hydrochemical and microbial features of the infiltrate, which can reveal how simulated acid rain (pH 3.5-7.0) alters the hydrochemistry and microbial community composition in red soil aquifers. The results showed that the pH of the leachate decreased due to simulated acid rain, and that the leaching efficiency of nitrogen and metal ions was influenced by the particle size of the filter media. Illumina 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that the leachate was dominated by , , , and , with accounting for 67.04-74.69% of the bacterial community and containing a high proportion of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. Additionally, several genera with heavy metal tolerance, such as , , , , and , were widely distributed in the leachate, indicating the strong adaptive capacity of the microbial population. A correlation analysis between the hydrochemical factors and the microbial community structure revealed that pH was the most influential factor, followed by NO-N, Fe, Al, Cu, Mn, and others. These results indicate that acidification modifies the hydrochemical conditions of the aquifer, creating an environment that is unfavorable for microbial growth and survival. However, some microorganisms may acquire resistance genes to cope with environmental changes.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0microbialrainacidhydrochemicalpHsoilcommunitygroundwaterredfactorssimulatedleachatecanhydrogeochemistryecologyHoweveracidificationfilteraquifersresultsmetalrevealedstructureAcidloweraffecteffectssystemssouthernChinapoorlyunderstoodPreviousresearchmainlyinvestigatedsourcespatternsmechanismscontributeprocessassociationsaddressknowledgegapconductedcolumnexperimentsimulateinfiltrationvariousmaterialscoarsemediumfinesandexaminefeaturesinfiltratereveal35-70altershydrochemistrycompositionshoweddecreaseddueleachingefficiencynitrogenionsinfluencedparticlesizemediaIllumina16SrRNAgenesequencingdominatedaccounting6704-7469%bacterialcontaininghighproportionnitrifyingdenitrifyingbacteriaAdditionallyseveralgeneraheavytolerancewidelydistributedindicatingstrongadaptivecapacitypopulationcorrelationanalysisinfluentialfactorfollowedNO-NFeAlCuMnothersindicatemodifiesconditionsaquifercreatingenvironmentunfavorablegrowthsurvivalmicroorganismsmayacquireresistancegenescopeenvironmentalchangesEffects

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