Tapia's Syndrome: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Rare Intensive Care-Associated Complication.

Rita Piteira, Diogo Marques, Filipa Carrega, Rita Silvério, Manuela Fera
Author Information
  1. Rita Piteira: Internal Medicine, Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, PRT.
  2. Diogo Marques: Neuroradiology, Hospital Garcia de Orta, Almada, PRT.
  3. Filipa Carrega: Internal Medicine, Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, PRT.
  4. Rita Silvério: Internal Medicine, Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, PRT.
  5. Manuela Fera: Internal Medicine, Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, PRT.


Tapia's syndrome is a rare complication of airway manipulation, involving the simultaneous paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The etiological mechanism is commonly attributed to compression or stretching during airway manipulation. An efficient recognition of this condition is pivotal for a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach and optimized recovery time. The presence of persistent dysphagia and dysphonia, coupled with observable deviation or restriction of tongue movement, not only after oral endotracheal intubation for surgical interventions with general anesthesia but also after a prolonged orotracheal intubation period in the intensive care, should heighten the suspicion of this syndrome. This report details a case of Tapia's syndrome emerging as a complication of airway manipulation and prolonged intubation in the intensive care unit.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0syndromenerveintubationTapia'sairwaymanipulationintensivecarecomplicationparalysishypoglossalrecurrentlaryngealdysphagiadysphoniaprolongedorotrachealrareinvolvingsimultaneousetiologicalmechanismcommonlyattributedcompressionstretchingefficientrecognitionconditionpivotalcomprehensivemultidisciplinaryapproachoptimizedrecoverytimepresencepersistentcoupledobservabledeviationrestrictiontonguemovementoralendotrachealsurgicalinterventionsgeneralanesthesiaalsoperiodheightensuspicionreportdetailscaseemergingunitSyndrome:ComprehensiveAnalysisRareIntensiveCare-AssociatedComplicationtapia's

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