How Do Tourists' Value Perceptions of Food Experiences Influence Their Perceived Destination Image and Revisit Intention? A Moderated Mediation Model.

Yijin Zhu, Liqun Zhu, Lisheng Weng
Author Information
  1. Yijin Zhu: College of Humanities & Social Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China.
  2. Liqun Zhu: College of Humanities & Social Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China.
  3. Lisheng Weng: School of Tourism Management, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China. ORCID


The food experience is an important part of the tourism experience. Although it is crucial to comprehend the significance of tourists' perception of food experiences, there is a scarcity of research investigating the impact of tasting local food on tourists' perceptions and behaviors. This study employs structural equation modeling to empirically examine the relationship between tourists' value perceptions of food experiences, their perceived destination image, and their revisit intention. In addition, the moderating effects of tourists' genders on the aforementioned relationships are also explored. A renowned restaurant brand, Nanjing Impressions, which specializes in offering the unique cuisine of the city of Nanjing, China, is chosen as the research case. A grand total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and, out of these, 458 questionnaires were deemed legitimate and kept for further analysis. The results indicate that the functional, social, emotional, cultural, and health values of local food experienced by tourists have significant positive impacts on their perceived destination image and revisit intention. Moreover, perceived destination image partially mediates the relationships between tourists' value perceptions of food experiences and their revisit intention. Gender is found to partially moderate the relationships between the proposed constructs. The current study offers noteworthy theoretical contributions and provides valuable practical suggestions for tourism destination managers.



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  1. [21CH197]/the National Social Science Fund of China
  2. [2023M731716]/the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
  3. [070-803165]/General project of China Resources & Environment and Development Academy
  4. [SKYZ2020022]/2020 Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Fee Humanities and Social Sciences Fund
  5. [D/2020/01/59]/Jiangsu Province Education Science "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Project

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0foodtourists'destinationperceivedimagerevisitintentionexperiencetourismexperiencesperceptionsrelationshipsNanjingresearchlocalstudyvalueImpressionsquestionnairespartiallyimportantpartAlthoughcrucialcomprehendsignificanceperceptionscarcityinvestigatingimpacttastingbehaviorsemploysstructuralequationmodelingempiricallyexaminerelationshipadditionmoderatingeffectsgendersaforementionedalsoexploredrenownedrestaurantbrandspecializesofferinguniquecuisinecityChinachosencasegrandtotal500distributed458deemedlegitimatekeptanalysisresultsindicatefunctionalsocialemotionalculturalhealthvaluesexperiencedtouristssignificantpositiveimpactsMoreovermediatesGenderfoundmoderateproposedconstructscurrentoffersnoteworthytheoreticalcontributionsprovidesvaluablepracticalsuggestionsmanagersTourists'ValuePerceptionsFoodExperiencesInfluencePerceivedDestinationImageRevisitIntention?ModeratedMediationModel

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