The link between electricity consumption and stock market during the pandemic in T��rkiye: a novel high-frequency approach.

��mer Tu��sal Doruk
Author Information
  1. ��mer Tu��sal Doruk: Adana Alparslan T��rke�� Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey. ORCID


This article examines the relationship between electricity consumption and the stock market in the Turkish economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. A novel high-frequency model is used, incorporating the hourly energy consumption and Borsa Istanbul (BIST) National stock market index variables. To determine the effect of electricity consumption on the stock market index and vice versa, a high-frequency VAR-based spillover approach, time-varying Granger causality, and time-varying Bayesian VAR analysis are employed. The findings reveal a positive and weak relationship between electricity consumption and the stock market but it has a time-varying nature in an emerging market context in the post-COVID-19 period in the Turkish economy.



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MeSH Term

Bayes Theorem

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0consumptionmarketstockelectricityTurkisheconomyhigh-frequencyindextime-varyingrelationshipCOVID-19pandemicnovelapproachGrangercausalityTime-varyingarticleexaminesmodelusedincorporatinghourlyenergyBorsaIstanbulBISTNationalvariablesdetermineeffectviceversaVAR-basedspilloverBayesianVARanalysisemployedfindingsrevealpositiveweaknatureemergingcontextpost-COVID-19periodlinkT��rkiye:ElectricitySpilloverStockmarketsvectorautoregression

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