Minor changes in electrostatics robustly increase VP40 membrane binding, assembly, and budding of Ebola virus matrix protein derived virus-like particles.

Balindile B Motsa, Tej Sharma, Prem P Chapagain, Robert V Stahelin
Author Information
  1. Balindile B Motsa: Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and the Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
  2. Tej Sharma: Department of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA.
  3. Prem P Chapagain: Department of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA. ORCID
  4. Robert V Stahelin: Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and the Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. ORCID


Ebola virus (EBOV) is a filamentous negative-sense RNA virus which causes severe hemorrhagic fever. There are limited vaccines or therapeutics for prevention and treatment of EBOV, so it is important to get a detailed understanding of the virus lifecycle to illuminate new drug targets. EBOV encodes for the matrix protein, VP40, which regulates assembly and budding of new virions from the inner leaflet of the host cell plasma membrane (PM). In this work we determine the effects of VP40 mutations altering electrostatics on PM interactions and subsequent budding. VP40 mutations that modify surface electrostatics affect viral assembly and budding by altering VP40 membrane binding capabilities. Mutations that increase VP40 net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Arg or Asp to Ala) increase VP40 affinity for phosphatidylserine (PS) and PI(4,5)P in the host cell PM. This increased affinity enhances PM association and budding efficiency leading to more effective formation of virus-like particles (VLPs). In contrast, mutations that decrease net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Asp) lead to a decrease in assembly and budding because of decreased interactions with the anionic PM. Taken together our results highlight the sensitivity of slight electrostatic changes on the VP40 surface for assembly and budding. Understanding the effects of single amino acid substitutions on viral budding and assembly will be useful for explaining changes in the infectivity and virulence of different EBOV strains, VP40 variants that occur in nature, and for long-term drug discovery endeavors aimed at EBOV assembly and budding.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0VP40buddingassemblyvirusEBOVPMmembraneelectrostaticsEbolamutationsinteractionsincreasechangesnewdrugmatrixproteinhostcellplasmaeffectsalteringsurfaceviralbindingnetpositivechargeoneegGlyAspaffinityphosphatidylserinevirus-likeparticlesdecreasefilamentousnegative-senseRNAcausesseverehemorrhagicfeverlimitedvaccinestherapeuticspreventiontreatmentimportantgetdetailedunderstandinglifecycleilluminatetargetsencodesregulatesvirionsinnerleafletworkdeterminesubsequentmodifyaffectcapabilitiesMutationsArgAlaPSPI45PincreasedenhancesassociationefficiencyleadingeffectiveformationVLPscontrastleaddecreasedanionicTakentogetherresultshighlightsensitivityslightelectrostaticUnderstandingsingleaminoacidsubstitutionswillusefulexplaininginfectivityvirulencedifferentstrainsvariantsoccurnaturelong-termdiscoveryendeavorsaimedMinorrobustlyderived5-bisphosphatelipid-proteinphosphatidylinositol-4

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