Pneumococcal Vaccination Strategies in 50-Year-Olds to Decrease Racial Disparities: A US Societal Perspective Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.

Shoroq M Altawalbeh, Angela R Wateska, Mary Patricia Nowalk, Chyongchiou J Lin, Lee H Harrison, William Schaffner, Richard K Zimmerman, Kenneth J Smith
Author Information
  1. Shoroq M Altawalbeh: Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Pharmacy, Irbid, Jordan. Electronic address:
  2. Angela R Wateska: Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  3. Mary Patricia Nowalk: Department of Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  4. Chyongchiou J Lin: The Ohio State University College of Nursing, Columbus, OH, USA.
  5. Lee H Harrison: Microbial Genomic Epidemiology Laboratory, Center for Genomic Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  6. William Schaffner: Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA.
  7. Richard K Zimmerman: Department of Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  8. Kenneth J Smith: Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


OBJECTIVES: This study assesses the impact of expanding pneumococcal vaccination to all 50-year-olds to decrease racial disparities by estimating from the societal perspective, the cost-effectiveness of 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV20) and 15-valent conjugate vaccine followed by 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PCV15/PPSV23) for 50-year-olds.
METHODS: A Markov model compared the cost-effectiveness of PCV20 or PCV15/PPSV23 in all general population 50- and 65-years-olds compared with current US recommendations and with no vaccination in US Black and non-Black cohorts. US data informed model parameters. Pneumococcal disease societal costs were estimated using direct and indirect costs of acute illness and of pneumococcal-related long-term disability and mortality. Hypothetical 50-year-old cohorts were followed over their lifetimes with costs and effectiveness discounted 3% per year. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses assessed model uncertainty.
RESULTS: In Black cohorts, PCV20 for all at ages 50 and 65 was the least costly strategy and had greater effectiveness than no vaccination and current recommendation strategies, whereas PCV15/PPSV23 at 50 and 65 cost more than $1 million per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained compared with PCV20 at 50 and 65. In non-Black cohorts, PCV20 at 50 and 65 cost $62 083/QALY and PCV15/PPSV23 at 50 and 65 cost more than $1 million/QALY with current recommendations, again being more costly and less effective. In probabilistic sensitivity analyses, PCV20 at 50 and 65 was favored in 85.7% (Black) and 61.8% (non-Black) of model iterations at a $100 000/QALY gained willingness-to-pay threshold.
CONCLUSIONS: When considering the societal costs of pneumococcal disease, PCV20 at ages 50 and 65 years in the general US population is a potentially economically viable strategy, particularly in Black cohorts.



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  1. R01 AI116575/NIAID NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Pneumococcal Vaccines
Middle Aged
Markov Chains
Pneumococcal Infections
United States
Quality-Adjusted Life Years
Healthcare Disparities
Black or African American
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis


Pneumococcal Vaccines
23-valent pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PCV205065UScohortspneumococcalsocietalPCV15/PPSV23modelBlackcostsvaccinationcost-effectivenessvaccinecomparedcurrentnon-Blackdiseasecost50-year-oldsdisparitiesperspectiveconjugatefollowedgeneralpopulationrecommendationsPneumococcaleffectivenessperyearprobabilisticsensitivityanalysesagescostlystrategy$1gainedOBJECTIVES:studyassessesimpactexpandingdecreaseracialestimating20-valent15-valent23-valentpolysaccharideMETHODS:Markov50-65-years-oldsdatainformedparametersestimatedusingdirectindirectacuteillnesspneumococcal-relatedlong-termdisabilitymortalityHypothetical50-year-oldlifetimesdiscounted3%DeterministicassesseduncertaintyRESULTS:leastgreaterrecommendationstrategieswhereasmillionquality-adjustedlifeQALY$62083/QALYmillion/QALYlesseffectivefavored857%618%iterations$100000/QALYwillingness-to-paythresholdCONCLUSIONS:consideringyearspotentiallyeconomicallyviableparticularlyVaccinationStrategies50-Year-OldsDecreaseRacialDisparities:SocietalPerspectiveCost-EffectivenessAnalysis

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