Economic Impact of Lean Healthcare Implementation on the Surgical Process.

Marc Sales Coll, Rodolfo De Castro, Anna Ochoa de Echagüen, Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez
Author Information
  1. Marc Sales Coll: Essentia Health Management, 08021 Barcelona, Spain. ORCID
  2. Rodolfo De Castro: Department of Organization, Business Management and Product Design, University of Girona, 17003 Girona, Spain. ORCID
  3. Anna Ochoa de Echagüen: Essentia Health Management, 08021 Barcelona, Spain.
  4. Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez: Vall d'Hebron Hospital Universitari, 08035 Barcelona, Spain.


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to analyse and detail surgical process improvement activities that achieve the highest economic impact.
METHODS: Over 4 years, a team of technicians and healthcare professionals implemented a set of Lean surgical process improvement projects at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (VHUH), Barcelona, Spain. Methods employed in the study are common in manufacturing environments and include reducing waiting and changeover time (SMED), reducing first time through, pull, and continuous flow. Projects based on these methods now form part of the daily routine in the surgical process. The economic impact on the hospital's surgical activity budget was analysed.
RESULTS: Process improvements have led to annual operational savings of over EUR 8.5 million. These improvements include better patient flow, better management of information between healthcare professionals, and improved logistic circuits.
CONCLUSIONS: The current cultural shift towards process management in large hospitals implies shifting towards results-based healthcare, patient-perceived value (VBHC), and value-added payment. A Lean project implementation process requires long-term stability. The reason a considerable number of projects fail to complete process improvement projects is the difficulty involved in establishing the project and improving management routines. Few studies in the literature have investigated the economic impact of implementing Lean management a posteriori, and even fewer have examined actual cases. In this real case study, changes to surgical block management were initiated from stage zero. After being carefully thought through and designed, changes were carried out and subsequently analysed.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0processsurgicalmanagementeconomicimpacthealthcareLeanstudyimprovementprojectsprofessionalsincludereducingtimeflowanalysedProcessimprovementsbettertowardsprojectchangesOBJECTIVES:objectiveanalysedetailactivitiesachievehighestMETHODS:4yearsteamtechniciansimplementedsetValld'HebronUniversityHospitalVHUHBarcelonaSpainMethodsemployedcommonmanufacturingenvironmentswaitingchangeoverSMEDfirstpullcontinuousProjectsbasedmethodsnowformpartdailyroutinehospital'sactivitybudgetRESULTS:ledannualoperationalsavingsEUR85millionpatientinformationimprovedlogisticcircuitsCONCLUSIONS:currentculturalshiftlargehospitalsimpliesshiftingresults-basedpatient-perceivedvalueVBHCvalue-addedpaymentimplementationrequireslong-termstabilityreasonconsiderablenumberfailcompletedifficultyinvolvedestablishingimprovingroutinesstudiesliteratureinvestigatedimplementingposteriorievenfewerexaminedactualcasesrealcaseblockinitiatedstagezerocarefullythoughtdesignedcarriedsubsequentlyEconomicImpactHealthcareImplementationSurgicalhospitallean

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