Neural Pathways Linking Autonomous Exercise Motivation and Exercise-Induced Unhealthy Eating: A Resting-State fMRI Study.

Ying Ling, Jinfeng Han, Yicen Cui, Wei Li, Hong Chen
Author Information
  1. Ying Ling: Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.
  2. Jinfeng Han: Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.
  3. Yicen Cui: Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.
  4. Wei Li: Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.
  5. Hong Chen: Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China. ORCID


BACKGROUND: Unhealthy food compensation following exercise contributes to the failure of exercise for weight loss. Autonomous exercise motivation is a protective factor against exercise-induced unhealthy foods licensing (EUFL). However, the neural mechanism of exercise-specific autonomous motivation and how these neural correlates link to EUFL remain uncertain.
METHODS: This study explored the resting-state brain activity (i.e., amplitude or fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF/fALFF) and regional homogeneity (ReHo)) and seed-based functional connectivity (rsFC) of autonomous exercise motivation among 223 (72.3% female) healthy young adults. Autonomous exercise motivation and EUFL were measured by self-report measurements.
RESULTS: Results across resting-state indices and rsFC analysis show that autonomous exercise motivation was robustly associated with activity and connectivity within the cerebellum posterior lobe (PCB), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), and middle occipital gyrus (MOG). Specifically, the PCB acted as a hub, connecting the frontal and occipital lobes. Moreover, higher autonomous exercise motivation indirectly predicts reduced EUFL through enhanced activity in the MFG and connectivity of PCB-MOG.
CONCLUSIONS: Neural substrate for enhanced conflict awareness and motor control may explain the protective effect of autonomous exercise motivation on post-exercise Unhealthy Eating. Enhancement of these functions could help regulate post-exercise eating and improve the effectiveness of exercise for weight loss.



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  1. 2023GJJL-ZXX0001/2022 National Science and Technology Program Project Award Establishment

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0exercisemotivationautonomousEUFLAutonomousunhealthyresting-stateactivityconnectivityUnhealthyweightlossprotectivefoodslicensingneuralamplitudersFCPCBmiddlefrontalgyrusMFGoccipitalenhancedNeuralpost-exerciseeatingfMRIBACKGROUND:foodcompensationfollowingcontributesfailurefactorexercise-inducedHowevermechanismexercise-specificcorrelateslinkremainuncertainMETHODS:studyexploredbrainiefractionallow-frequencyfluctuationsALFF/fALFFregionalhomogeneityReHoseed-basedfunctionalamong223723%femalehealthyyoungadultsmeasuredself-reportmeasurementsRESULTS:ResultsacrossindicesanalysisshowrobustlyassociatedwithincerebellumposteriorlobeMOGSpecificallyactedhubconnectinglobesMoreoverhigherindirectlypredictsreducedPCB-MOGCONCLUSIONS:substrateconflictawarenessmotorcontrolmayexplaineffectEnhancementfunctionshelpregulateimproveeffectivenessPathwaysLinkingExerciseMotivationExercise-InducedEating:Resting-StateStudy

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