Effect of emotional factors on purchase intention in live streaming marketing of agricultural products: A moderated mediation model.

Tianming Han, Jing Han, Jia Liu, Weibao Li
Author Information
  1. Tianming Han: School of Economics and Management, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Lang Fang, Hebei Province, China.
  2. Jing Han: School of Economics and Management, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Lang Fang, Hebei Province, China.
  3. Jia Liu: School of Economics and Management, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Lang Fang, Hebei Province, China.
  4. Weibao Li: School of Economics and Management, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Lang Fang, Hebei Province, China. ORCID


Emotional factors play a crucial role in streaming live marketing of agricultural products. Some literature explored several emotional factors' impact on consumers' purchase intention. Nonetheless, the interaction and integration effects of these factors have received less attention. Based on Consumer Engagement Theory, SOR model and TAM model, the paper constructs a moderated mediation model of the interactivity/presence, trust/resonance and purchase intention under rural sentiment. A quantitative study based on 365 valid samples is conducted to validate this model. The results indicate that interactivity and presence positively impact on consumers' purchase intention, trust and resonance play a mediating role between interactivity/presence and purchase intention separately. Contrary to our expectations, rural sentiment negatively moderates the relationship between interactivity and resonance. Differences of regression results between urban and rural group indicate that the cultural backgrounds of consumers have an impact on their emotional responses in live streaming of agricultural products. The results illustrate the mechanism of emotional factors in consumers' purchase decisions. Overall, this paper reveals the potential of emotional factors and the development of effective marketing strategies to improve agricultural products sales.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0purchasefactorsemotionalintentionmodelagriculturalstreaminglivemarketingproductsimpactconsumers'ruralresultsplayrolepapermoderatedmediationinteractivity/presencesentimentindicateinteractivityresonanceEmotionalcrucialliteratureexploredseveralfactors'NonethelessinteractionintegrationeffectsreceivedlessattentionBasedConsumerEngagementTheorySORTAMconstructstrust/resonancequantitativestudybased365validsamplesconductedvalidatepresencepositivelytrustmediatingseparatelyContraryexpectationsnegativelymoderatesrelationshipDifferencesregressionurbangroupculturalbackgroundsconsumersresponsesillustratemechanismdecisionsOverallrevealspotentialdevelopmenteffectivestrategiesimprovesalesEffectproducts:

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