Christie, Atkins, Munch-Peterson (CAMP) Negative Listeria monocytogenes Meningitis in Neonates: Report of Two Cases.

Rahul Ranjan, Ankita Rai, Pooja Pandey, Raunak Bir, Priti Agarwal
Author Information
  1. Rahul Ranjan: Department of Microbiology, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, IND.
  2. Ankita Rai: Department of Microbiology, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, IND.
  3. Pooja Pandey: Department of Microbiology, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, IND.
  4. Raunak Bir: Department of Microbiology, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, IND.
  5. Priti Agarwal: Department of Microbiology, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, IND.


, a gram-positive bacillus and an intracellular pathogen, is an uncommon cause of illness in the general population. During pregnancy, a perinatal infection can lead to serious complications such as abortion, stillbirth, neonatal sepsis, and meningitis. We present two cases of neonatal meningitis caused by Christie, Atkins, Munch-Peterson (CAMP)-negative . In the first case, a seven-day-old female term neonate delivered vaginally, presented with high-grade fever and refusal to feed. In view of the suspected late-onset sepsis, a septic workup, including cerebrospinal fluid analysis, was conducted. CSF culture reports obtained showed a growth consistent with  which was CAMP test negative and susceptible to the penicillin group of drugs, cotrimoxazole, erythromycin, and meropenem. The isolate was identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and confirmed by 16S rRNA sequencing. The blood culture was sterile. At 48 hours of admission, the neonate clinically deteriorated with fluctuation in oxygen saturation below 95% at room air. Thus, she was electively intubated and connected to the mechanical ventilator with appropriate settings. The antibiotics were upgraded to meropenem from the empirical antibiotic therapy. The neonate showed clinical improvement within the next 24 hours of initiating antibiotics according to culture susceptibility and was gradually weaned from the mechanical ventilator to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). After 24 hours, she was able to maintain normal saturation at room air. In the second case, an 11-day-old low birth weight neonate, small for gestational age, was presented to the NICU with complaints of loose stools, fever, and refusal to feed for the past two days. In view of the suspected sepsis, relevant investigations were carried out while initiating empirical antibiotics IV piperacillin-tazobactam and IV amikacin for the neonate. Meanwhile, there was a dip in oxygen saturation noted on room air for the neonate and he/she was mechanically ventilated. The CSF culture grew ,whichwas identified using MALDI-TOF MS and confirmed by 16S rRNA sequencing. The isolate tested negative for the CAMP test and was susceptible to ampicillin, penicillin, cotrimoxazole, erythromycin, and meropenem. The blood culture was sterile. The antibiotics were upgraded to meropenem from the empirical antibiotic therapy, the patient's condition improved, and the baby was eventually discharged.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0neonatecultureCAMPmeropenemsepsismeningitistesthourssaturationroomairantibioticsempiricalpregnancystillbirthneonataltwoAtkinsMunch-PetersoncasepresentedfeverrefusalfeedviewsuspectedCSFshowednegativesusceptiblepenicillincotrimoxazoleerythromycin Theisolateidentifiedusingconfirmed16SrRNAsequencingbloodsterileoxygenmechanicalventilatorupgradedantibiotictherapy24ampicillingram-positivebacillusintracellularpathogenuncommoncauseillnessgeneralpopulationperinatalinfectioncanleadseriouscomplicationsabortionpresentcasescausedby Christie-negativefirstseven-day-oldfemale termdeliveredvaginallyhigh-gradelate-onsetsepticworkupincludingcerebrospinalfluidanalysisconductedreportsobtainedgrowthconsistent whichgroupdrugsmatrix-assistedlaserdesorptionionization-timeflightmassspectrometryMALDI-TOF MS48admissionclinicallydeterioratedfluctuation95% atThuselectivelyintubatedconnectedappropriatesettingsclinicalimprovementwithinnextinitiating antibioticsaccordingsusceptibilitygraduallyweanedcontinuouspositiveairwaypressureCPAPablemaintainnormalsecond11-day-oldlowbirthweightsmallgestationalageNICUcomplaintsloosestoolspastdaysrelevantinvestigationscarriedinitiatingIV piperacillin-tazobactam andIVamikacin forMeanwhiledipnotedhe/shemechanicallyventilatedgrewwhichwasMALDI-TOFMStestedand waspatient'sconditionimprovedbabyeventuallydischargedChristieNegativeListeriamonocytogenesMeningitisNeonates:ReportTwoCasesabortionscampfoodbornepretermtumblingmotility

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