Determinants of the happiness of adolescents: A leisure perspective.

Eui-Jae Kim, Hyun-Wook Kang, Seong-Man Park
Author Information
  1. Eui-Jae Kim: Department of Recreation and Leisure Sports, College of Sport Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea.
  2. Hyun-Wook Kang: Department of Recreation and Leisure Sports, College of Sport Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea.
  3. Seong-Man Park: Department of English Language, College of Foreign Languages, Dankook University, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea. ORCID


Leisure plays a key role in the happiness of youth. Studies have shown that various factors of leisure, such as the type, the time, the cost, and the space, have an influence on the adolescents' happiness. However, little is known about which of these factors is a major factor in youth's happiness. The purpose of this study is to explore the leisure factors that determine happiness in adolescents by examining the relationship between happiness and various leisure factors. The study used the method of machine learning to analyze national statistical data, National Leisure Activity Survey. The data used in this study were from the National Leisure Activity Survey 2019, which is a national statistic produced by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in the Republic of Korea. The analysis found that leisure perceptions, academic and leisure balance, and public leisure space have a very important impact on the adolescents' well-being. The findings of this research may contribute to a better understanding of leisure and happiness in adolescents, and will also help adolescents make better use of their leisure time, leading to better leisure lives, and ultimately contribute to raising their level of happiness.


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MeSH Term

Leisure Activities
Republic of Korea

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0leisurehappinessfactorsLeisurestudyadolescentsbettervarioustimespaceadolescents'usednationaldataNationalActivitySurveycontributeplayskeyroleyouthStudiesshowntypecostinfluenceHoweverlittleknownmajorfactoryouth'spurposeexploredetermineexaminingrelationshipmethodmachinelearninganalyzestatistical2019statisticproducedMinistryCultureSportsTourismRepublicKoreaanalysisfoundperceptionsacademicbalancepublicimportantimpactwell-beingfindingsresearchmayunderstandingwillalsohelpmakeuseleadinglivesultimatelyraisinglevelDeterminantsadolescents:perspective

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