Linel2D-Net: A deep learning approach to solving 2D linear elastic boundary value problems on image domains.
Anto Nivin Maria Antony, Narendra Narisetti, Evgeny Gladilin
Author Information
Anto Nivin Maria Antony: Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, OT Gatersleben, Corrensstr. 3, 06466 Seeland, Germany.
Narendra Narisetti: Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, OT Gatersleben, Corrensstr. 3, 06466 Seeland, Germany.
Evgeny Gladilin: Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, OT Gatersleben, Corrensstr. 3, 06466 Seeland, Germany.
Efficient solution of physical boundary value problems (BVPs) remains a challenging task demanded in many applications. Conventional numerical methods require time-consuming domain discretization and solving techniques that have limited throughput capabilities. Here, we present an efficient data-driven DNN approach to non-iterative solving arbitrary 2D linear elastic BVPs. Our results show that a U-Net-based surrogate model trained on a representative set of reference FDM solutions can accurately emulate linear elastic material behavior with manifold applications in deformable modeling and simulation.
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