A pathway study of factors influencing quality of fertility life.

Abulizi Maierhaba, Ming Jiang, Lihuan Zhi, Xueyu Wei, Lijuan He, Li Wang
Author Information
  1. Abulizi Maierhaba: The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
  2. Ming Jiang: The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
  3. Lihuan Zhi: School of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
  4. Xueyu Wei: School of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
  5. Lijuan He: School of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. helijuan0630@126.com.
  6. Li Wang: The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. 78154189@qq.com.


BACKGROUD: To investigate the factors influencing fertility quality of life in infertile men, constructing a structural equation model of the factors influencing fertility quality of life in infertile men, and to provide suggested measures for improving fertility quality of life in infertile men.
METHODS: It is a Observational study. Infertile men (n���=���250) attending a fertility centre in a hospital in Xinjiang, matched 1:2 men with no obvious male factor in the control group (n���=���500).The Quality of Fertility Life Scale, the Social Support Scale, the Fertility Stress Scale and the Positive Attention Awareness Scale were used to conduct the survey. The model was constructed by applying the maximum likelihood estimation method in Mplus 8.3 software, to explore the factors influencing the quality of reproductive life of infertile men through path analyses. Differences between the case and control groups were statistically significant (P���<���0.05) in terms of total fertility quality of life scores, core entry dimensions, affective responses, physical and mental relationships, selective treatment dimensions, and treatment tolerance.
RESULTS: Past medical history, history of exposure to hazardous environments, health insurance reimbursement, social support, fertility stress, and mindfulness are important factors affecting the quality of fertility life of infertile men.
CONCLUSION: The quality of fertility life of infertile men is not optimistic. By improving the level of mindfulness, fertility stress, and social support, we propose appropriate measures to improve the quality of fertility life of infertile men. These measures can improve their confidence in clinical diagnosis and infertility treatment, enabling them to cope positively with these challenges.



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  1. 82260651/National Natural Science Foundation
  2. 82060589/National Natural Science Foundation

MeSH Term

Quality of Life
Cross-Sectional Studies
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0fertilityqualitylifemeninfertilefactorsinfluencingScalemeasuresFertilitytreatmentmodelimprovingstudycontroldimensionshistorysocialsupportstressmindfulnessimproveBACKGROUD:investigateconstructingstructuralequationprovidesuggestedMETHODS:ObservationalInfertilen���=���250attendingcentrehospitalXinjiangmatched1:2obviousmalefactorgroupn���=���500TheQualityLifeSocialSupportStressPositiveAttentionAwarenessusedconductsurveyconstructedapplyingmaximumlikelihoodestimationmethodMplus83softwareexplorereproductivepathanalysesDifferencescasegroupsstatisticallysignificantP���<���005termstotalscorescoreentryaffectiveresponsesphysicalmentalrelationshipsselectivetoleranceRESULTS:PastmedicalexposurehazardousenvironmentshealthinsurancereimbursementimportantaffectingCONCLUSION:optimisticlevelproposeappropriatecanconfidenceclinicaldiagnosisinfertilityenablingcopepositivelychallengespathwayInfertilityInfluencingPathwayanalysis

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