Disease burden attributable to respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks in long-term care.

Christina Ferrante, Christina Bancej, Nicole Atchessi
Author Information
  1. Christina Ferrante: Centre for Emerging and Respiratory Infections and Pandemic Preparedness, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
  2. Christina Bancej: Centre for Emerging and Respiratory Infections and Pandemic Preparedness, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
  3. Nicole Atchessi: Centre for Emerging and Respiratory Infections and Pandemic Preparedness, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON.


Background: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease burden is significant among children; however, RSV can also cause excess morbidity and mortality among older adults. Populations in long-term care homes (LTCHs) may be at greater risk of exposure and increased infection severity. The objectives of this article are to identify evidence regarding disease burden and outcome severity attributable to RSV outbreaks among residents and staff in LTCHs; and to highlight reported population and outbreak characteristics.
Methods: All types of evidence were eligible for inclusion. Data utilized by included studies was between the end of the 2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic and the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Evidence from the following countries was considered: G7, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand. A total of 167 articles were identified; 58 full texts were analyzed and four sources of evidence were eligible for inclusion. Data related to population characteristics, outbreak type and resident and staff outcomes were manually charted.
Results: There is a paucity of evidence sources pertaining to RSV outbreak burden among residents and staff in LTCHs. Outbreak duration ranged from 13 to 21 days. For each outbreak, 4-7 residents had confirmed RSV infection. Attack rates ranged from 12% to 38%. A spectrum of disease attributable to RSV outbreaks in LTCHs was identified, ranging from mild cold-like symptoms to death.
Conclusion: Integration of RSV into existing respiratory pathogen surveillance programs is important to characterize susceptibility, transmissibility and virulence of RSV in at-risk populations. There is a need for public health organizations to publish the findings from outbreak investigations to provide evidence to inform RSV outbreak prevention and response in LTCH settings.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0RSVoutbreakburdenevidencediseaseamongLTCHssyncytialviruslong-termcareattributableoutbreaksresidentsstaffrespiratoryinfectionseveritypopulationcharacteristicseligibleinclusionDatapandemicidentifiedsourcesrangedBackground:RespiratorysignificantchildrenhowevercanalsocauseexcessmorbiditymortalityolderadultsPopulationshomesmaygreaterriskexposureincreasedobjectivesarticleidentifyregardingoutcomehighlightreportedMethods:typesutilizedincludedstudiesend2010H1N1influenzabeginningcoronavirus2019COVID-19Evidencefollowingcountriesconsidered:G7EuropeanUnionAustraliaNewZealandtotal167articles58fulltextsanalyzedfourrelatedtyperesidentoutcomesmanuallychartedResults:paucitypertainingOutbreakduration1321days4-7confirmedAttackrates12%38%spectrumrangingmildcold-likesymptomsdeathConclusion:Integrationexistingpathogensurveillanceprogramsimportantcharacterizesusceptibilitytransmissibilityvirulenceat-riskpopulationsneedpublichealthorganizationspublishfindingsinvestigationsprovideinformpreventionresponseLTCHsettingsDisease

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